Leadership And Innovation

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Leadership and Innovation



I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.


Purpose of the Study:

This dissertation investigates how leadership styles can effect innovation in work organizations.

Obejctives of the Study:

The aim of this paper is to present a conceptual model of leadership and innovation that local authorities could use to guide the implementation of the innovation process that leads to the transformation of leadership and a framework for collecting data on innovation Government Sector in UAE.

Methods used in the study:

Mixed methdology has been used in this study to comprehend results. The methodology includes qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Findings of the study:

The findings of this paper show that there is more than one factor vital for innovative leadership;


Key features that are recommended is to teamwork and collaboration between team players also individual support, which would result in higher innovation rates among employees. Intellectual stimulation is a significant aspect in influencing employees to innovate at their jobs. Strategic planning, an umbrella term used to include and summarize such activities as planning, performance measurement, program budgeting, and the like, has proven to be very useful but limiteD.

future Studies

The future study will tell how new processes can be implemented in a more effecitve form and how leadership styles can effect innovation in organizations. It is a technical fix that gets at only part of the question of organizational effectiveness and only deals with some of the dilemmas organizations face. The efforts of public administrators to control organizational endeavors are essential, necessary, and aligned with current best practices. But the control mechanisms ultimately prove to be only part of the puzzle. In the face of such realities, the notion of strategic thinking emerges to fill the gaps and overcome the limitations that experience with strategic planning has proven to exhibit. This paper presents an integration of leadership ideas, strategic thinking and traditional planning activities in an effort to make important connections and important distinctions. The result is an outline of the foundations of strategic thinking.It looks into various hypotheses relevant to stimulating innovation at workplace within the UAE context. The role of effective leadership and follower-empowerment in stimulating innovation is emphasized. Innovation is investigated through parameters such as team participation, managerial support and role modeling in determining their independent outcomes. A field study is conducted three government departments in United Arab Emirates to investigate the relationship between transformational leadership and innovation. Supportive innovation is evaluated to the extent to which line managers ensure that an enabling working environment promotes group interaction as well as stimulates exchange of ideas for innovation. Questionnaires are distributed to the entire staff of the three government departments. Workers are evaluated through their work group facilitated by line managers to complete the survey voluntarily. Data obtained from the survey is analyzed independently. Variables are measured through a scale that allows for comparison of various scores, which correlate with the stated ...
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