Leadership And Emotional Intelligence Aspects With Project Management In It Industry

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[Leadership and Emotional Intelligence Aspects with Project Management in IT Industry]



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Table of Contents


Dissertation Model of Map5

Definition of Terms5


Communication effectiveness5

Information Technology6

Emotional intelligence6

Intelligent Community7


Transformational Leadership7

Transactional leadership8

Relationship leadership9

Phenomenological case study9

Project management9



Transactional leadership12

Transitioning to Transformational and Transactional Leadership12

Leadership Theories15

Theoretical Evolution17

Philosophical Evolution17

Relationship Theories18

Relational Leadership Model18

Charismatic relationships19

Management Theories20

The Psychological Contract20

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs21

Emotional Intelligence23

Developing EI24

Conflict Management26

Communicating with Impact27

EI as a Predictor of Performance Outcomes28


Project Management & EI30

Project Management Leadership36

Challenges in the economy37


Chapter II: Literature Review

Dissertation Model of Map

Definition of Terms


Communication is the process where the one person is expressing his or her idea and the other one is listening to the idea being expressed by the one who is talking. (Wrobel, 2007)

Communication effectiveness

Effective communication is a conversation in which people (either the speaker or the listener) use proper communication skills. People share thoughts with each other and make sure they understand the meaning of the other. Otherwise, the conversation might lead to miscommunications or most likely, arguments. Effective communication can also be a conversation in which two people both enjoy the conversation and learn something. In communicating effectively, people need to ask clarifying questions and answer informatively. (Weitz & Sujan 1986)

Information Technology

The term information technology (IT) is defined as those tools and methods used to collect, retain, handle or distribute information. The information technology is generally associated with computers and related technologies applied to decision making. Information technology (IT) is changing the traditional way of doing things, people who work in government, private companies, use IT in their personal and professional life, like daily Internet use, Credit cards, electronic payment of payroll, among other functions (Wechsler 1940).

Emotional intelligence

The term emotional intelligence refers to the human capacity to feel, understand, control and modify emotional states in oneself and others, emotional intelligence is not drown out the emotions, but to direct and balance. The concept of emotional intelligence, although it is current, has in our view a clear precursor to the concept of Social Intelligence of a psychologist Edward Thorndike (1920) who defined it as the ability to understand and manage men and women, boys and girls, and act wisely in human relations (Turner & Muller 2005).

Intelligent Community

Intelligence community is the term used to refer government or private agencies that gather information and prepare reports regarding national security. Intelligent community in United States will include CIA, FBI, NSA and others (Thorndike & Stein 1937).


Leadership is a concept used in many different contexts with an array of meanings. Accordingly, there is a lack of common understanding as to what leadership is and what constitutes good leadership. In fact, a Google search of leadership ...
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