Leadership And Decision Making

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Leadership and Decision Making

Table of Contents


Basic Understanding of Leadership and Decision Making1


Decision Making2

Literature Review2

The Key Traits of Leaders3

Traits of a Good Decision Maker3

Finest Approach to Make Vigilant Decisions4

Authoritative Decision Making5

Facilitative Decision Making5

Consultative Decision Making5

Delegating Decision Making5

Flexible Decision Making5


Leadership and Decision Making


Seldom does it happen that in running an organization successfully, a constituent in management is not interdependent on any other factor. All the important elements that play a key role in running an organization have collective effects on each other. Triumph in one area clearly depends on excellence in other constituent or sub-domain of management. The overall organizational success eventually results in efficient team work and steadfast determinations, but these objectives cannot be obtained unless an organization has the best leadership to guide, motivate and take forward its workforce and the ability of appropriate and timely decision making.

Basic Understanding of Leadership and Decision Making


There's a famous saying that good leaders are never born; they are made. If you have the drive, the zeal and you possess the right skills, you can turn into an efficient and effective leader. The procedure of development of an exemplary leader is a never ending process. It entails the method of constant education, self-study, training and experience (Jago, 1982). To enhance the level of your work-force, there are certain things you must do, know and be, but they never come naturally, they come via an endless process of self evaluation and study.

Leadership is a process via which a person influences, motivates and directs the work force towards the attainment of an objective and steers the organization in a way that integrates the overall objective of the firm.

Decision Making

Academically, decision making is the process of choosing and selecting among several alternatives of products or ideas and taking a final action. In order to make a favorable decision, one must weigh the positive payoffs and negative payoffs while adhering to a final alternative. The whole process starts by first analyzing the key issue or problem. Once we have identified that, we can search for appropriate solutions (alternatives) accordingly. Then feasibility of acquiring and implementing that alternative is equally important.

Literature Review

The history is full of the heroics, in the world of leadership with the great names like Alexander the great, Prince Llewellyn of Wales, Napoleon and Richard Branson. They all had something correct to make a difference in the world or the work place.

Decision making is highly critical leadership ability. You can escort your team to a well-earned success, provided you are aware of the art of making correct and timely decisions. However, if you lack that ability, then your tenure as a leader will be viciously short.

The leadership certainly is the headstone and essential aspect in elevating the standard of human resource. It is a common practice that when work ethics of a firm declines, people tend to attribute several factors to it; however, it is not the work ...
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