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Leadership in a Changing Environment

Leadership in a Changing Environment


Leadership has long intrigued humankind and has been the topic of the extensive literature for centuries. With the development of the social sciences during the 20th century, inquiry into leadership became prolific. Studies on leadership have emerged from every discipline “that has had some interest in the subject of leadership: anthropology, business administration, educational administration, history, military science, nursing administration, organizational behaviour, philosophy, political science, public administration, psychology, sociology, and theology” (Northouse 2011, p. 2).

As a result, there are many approaches to leadership. Approaches to leadership have evolved, changed focus and direction, and built upon one another during the past century. According to the case study of Leadership Practice in Tents-r-Us, we will now discuss each theory in detail and will apply where ever applicable.

The great man theory

Research and studies have produced several theories, which emerged during, the various stages of the evolution of the concept of leadership, each of which explains the phenomenon of leadership.

This theory assumes that there are people with unique talents, which enable them, to control the course of the change and the course of history (the basic idea of this theory mainly based on the assumption that leaders are born rather than made). Some men characterized by unique features at birth (Northouse 2011, p. 2). On the other hand, the leadership traits are transmitted descending from one person to another through a system of inheritance. The perception was through the survival of the fittest. Outstanding leaders are different from others, which transport them to the centre of power (Grinin, Leonid, 2010, p. 95-136).

After studying about the theory, it can be identified that Peter Ridge leadership style exactly matches with the great man theory. Peter Ridge is one man show in the company; he on the basis of his strengths and intellectual abilities, has brought the company this forward. Although, he likes to be dominant, but no one can have doubts on his abilities as he was able to bring the best out of everyone from his autocratic style. Peter Ridge has born leadership abilities according to which he maintains a hands-on presence in the day to day management of the company as well as providing strategic vision. Factors such as your up-bringing, education, experiences are only modelling your leadership abilities; they are not responsible for making you a leader. Peter had inborn leadership skills. He made bold moves he brought his family members in the business and kept command on every employee working in the company (Grinin, Leonid, 2010, p. 95-136).

Trait Approach

The theory of the traits features distinguishing characteristics of leaders. According to the theory of the traits, a leader must possess the relevant characteristics so that he can be an effective leader. The distinguishing characteristics of a leader are:

Thrust: Leaders must have a high level of effort and show that they can take initiatives.

Desire to lead: They posses a firm aspiration to lead others while assuming responsibilities.

Honesty and Integrity: Leaders build trusting relationships with others and ...
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