
Read Complete Research Material



Table of Contents

Leadership ideas1

Transformation of ideas1

Leadership goal1

Steps to achieve measurable outcome2

Further readings2

Value-based leadership2


Inclusive leader3



The COP Leader5

Important traits of a leader5

Flaws that derail leaders6




Leadership ideas

When I came for my first leadership class, I had some perceptions about leadership which were mainly developed due to my own experience and because of self-study. I believed that leadership was all about leading the employees who work under a leader and to get things done by giving orders to them.

Transformation of ideas

After taking the leadership class, my ideas regarding leadership were transformed as the lecture helped me a lot in clearing the misconception I had with regard to the term “leadership”. I learnt that leadership is not just about giving orders and getting the work done by making the people follow you. However, leadership also includes various other factors such as motivating the team members, being a good team player and listening to the problems and the suggestions of the team members with an open mind.

Leadership goal

My leadership goal as my learning outcome is focus on self-reflection as this will help me in highlighting my strengths and weaknesses and the ways in which I can improve. Moreover, I also aim to develop the self-esteem of my team members and to keep them motivated at all times (Conchie & Rath, 2009).

Steps to achieve measurable outcome

In order to achieve a measurable outcome, the steps that I have taken are mentioned below.

Firstly, I will determine the accomplishments that need to be made. These are the intended results and are expressed as goals.

Secondly, I will select performance measures.

Lastly, I will determine the baseline for every measure and will set targets for the future.

Further readings

I was taught many leadership theories and models, but there were some readings that had a major impact on me. These include flaws that derail leaders, Inclusive leader, The COP Leader, Important traits of a leader, Value-based leadership, leadership competencies and diversity. I believe that these would help me grow as a leader and would be beneficial for me in strengthening my leadership skills and abilities in order to proceed ahead (Ivancevich, Konopaske & Matteson, 2007).

Value-based leadership

For “value-based leadership”, I think is essential for the charismatic leaders to share values with the employees, in order to build trust. This is because the values serve as a code of conduct and guide the employees regarding the things they have to do. Moreover, sharing values also keeps the team focused and keeps them motivated.

Explicit and implicit values

Employees hold two kinds of values which are explicit and implicit values. In the former, the leader has clear understanding regarding the values. However, in the latter, the values are assumed and they often lead to misconceptions.


I believe it is highly important for an organization to have a diverse workforce in order to make it more successful. This is because with diversity comes different ideas and concepts which can be beneficial for the organization. Since a diverse workforce consists of employee from different ...
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