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Leadership in Virgin Group

Leadership in Virgin Group

In this paper, we will discuss the leadership development practices in a Virgin Group of company owned by a charismatic Leader Richard Branson. This paper will seek to understand the styles and impact of leadership in Virgin Group. How Leadership help the employees to be able to work effectively in a team. Finally, it focuses on development needs of individuals. Leadership can be broadly defined as the process of inspiring, coordinating, directing, mentoring and motivating, individuals, groups of individuals, organizations, societies, or nations toward achieving goals or results. Such a simple definition hides the reality that leadership as a concept is rife with complexity and debate.

A simple search of the word leadership will yield several thousand articles and publications on leadership written by academic scholars. As such, any attempt to define and summarize leadership will be a complex endeavour that will never fully capture and account for the concept of leadership. The aim of this encyclopaedic entry, therefore, is to provide a general overview of leadership specific to organization studies for the novice reader. There are two separate views relating to leadership styles: one view holds that leaders are born. The qualities they embody are unlimited (Bryman, 2006, Pp. 63-70). Other concept is that in order to emerge as leaders, humans need to work hard and develop these qualities. Both the economic model as well as behavioural perspective examines leadership as a role whose purpose is to help an organization to be more adaptable. Leadership can help an organization in pursuing towards adaptive change (Burns, 2004, pp. 12).

L02: Understand the Styles and Impact Of Leadership.

Leadership Styles

Santora (2007) noted that "because charismatic leaders possess personal magnetism, they inevitably attract followers to their cause and inspire, motivate, and engender trust among their disciples, often creating a sense of vision for their organizations and succeeding where others may fail." Richard Branson Charismatic leadership does not account situational attributes, but focuses on psychodynamics and powerful motivation among the employees of Virgin group. Weber, as stated by Dorian, Dunbar, Frayn, and Garfinkel (2010) was the first to apply the term charisma to leadership and suggested that the authority of the charismatic leader was derived from faith in their exemplary character. These individuals are no doubt articulate, passionate and can inspire those around them to newfound levels. With that said, there is much room for exploitation for those particularly narcissistic in nature (Bryman, 2006, Pp. 63-70).

The Impact of Leadership Style

The upper echelons theory is presented as an alternative paradigm to the ecology of organizations. This work comprises a collection of variables, variables, but the purpose of this investigation refers to the study of leadership style. In this sense, we propose that it is appropriate for the style Leadership is considered in the theory of variable upper levels since this variable has direct effects on decision-making processes and the results of organizations. In Virgin group the Leadership style influences climate and weather influences creativity ...
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