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This paper reflects the impact of leadership on society and social environment. It also examines the applications affiliated with leadership skills how are those applications implemented in practice. Moreover it also elaborates the leadrship styles and how do they vary from person to person and within social environment.It also focuses on the political aspect of leadership and its impact on democratic welfare. Apowerful follower like that would help a good leader to become a better leader.This could furthermore convey on a well-bonded employed relationship.In evaluating the leadership method, a allotment of things come into play. Followers usually play a key function in organizational successes and failures,yet these outcomes are often attributed solely to leaders. Everyone has expended and will spend more time as a follower than as a leader.


Bobbi Thomason and Christopher Marquis, (2010) ,Leadership and the first and last mile of sustainability.

Bobbi Thomason is a Research Associate at Harvard Business School.

Christopher Marquis is an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at Harvard Business School. His research and teaching focus on corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability.

“The journey to total sustainability within the organization begins and ends with the person at the top. Readers will learn why and how from two very different companies.It takes more than resilience for a leader to bounce back from a crisis. It takes a leader who can do everything from taking control of strategy and preparing for contingencies to building high-performing teams. “

1.Leadership is both reasonable and emotional. It commits two sides of human experience. This includes a activities and influences based on reason and logic as well as those based on a inspiration and passion. Leadership is a common method distributed to all constituents of a group. Leadership development comes through experience.(Tichy, 2008) We all learn from our experiences. Whether positive or conversely, they are our instruments for growth and development. What is management? a steering is a place of power. Management says that should be made and provide a material to do it. Management is more educated than a experienced. Managers will be trained to hold a position.(Yukl, 2001) Management is an area of leadership. Power and management can be a same? Power and administration is not a same. Anyone can become a manager and not followers. Being able to fix known facets of a mission. Included Aforemost facets, is knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish a mission. Leadership is having a ability to provide advice to those who will follow. Those who follow will help you complete a mission.

2.Leadership is an infant science and body of knowledge in a field has evolved through a series of strokes. Leadership is a flexible search, such as anthropology, sociology and psychology. It can be proved exactly what it is. Leadership is an art, intelligent leadership behaviors across these methods are almost identical to a wise application of brush strokes by a master painter. But leadership and management work hand in hand with each other. Set a stage management and other authorities are ...
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