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Over the years one question that has been prominent among the critics and analyzers all over the world is whether leadership theories can really help evolution of organizational leadership. To appreciate this one has to learn the secrets related to effective leadership and know exactly how one can become an effective leader. Leadership in any organization is important. Many qualitative institutions and enterprises have seen their dooms day due to non-availability of adequate leadership elements in the organization. On the other hand apt leadership can not only take the organization to the path of development but also can gain substantial advantage over the competitors.

While all these factors combine together in creating a state of confusion and suspicion in the minds of those who wish to become future leaders and those who have just started their journey on the unexplored path, it is necessary that in your quest you always remain updated. If you wish to take charge of the development process of your organization as effective leader, or even in such cases when you desire that your children or successors become such effective leaders, you have to be really serious learning about various aspects of the leadership issues.

The main leadership issues relate to effective leadership, theories of leadership, and leadership programs. At the same time most people will like to learn the essence of leadership in the cost effective way. If you feel that acquiring leadership qualities require training then you are correct. On the other hand if you feel that you require some extensive and expensive leadership program for it, the same may not be necessary.

1.Explain the primary leadership theories that are used in for profit and non-profit organizations.

Overall, there has been little research that compares leadership factors and skills relevant to business, public, and non-profit organizations. However, we can glean some useful information from the literature in terms of the degree to which leadership is being talked about and which aspects of leadership seem to be popular relative to each sector.

The for-profit sector leadership has been examined to a far greater extent than has leadership in the public and non-profit sectors. The study of leaders in the private sector began in the 1930's and blossomed in succeeding decades as researchers delved into comprehensive analyses of the traits, behaviors, skills, and styles associated with effective leadership. However, this explosion of research related to business leaders was not mirrored in the public and non-profit literature. For example, Van Wart's (2003) content analysis of 61 years of articles in the journal, Public Administration Review, revealed only 25 articles specifically focused on leadership. Books on the topic of public sector leadership have come out sporadically since the late 1930s, but these have been few in number and have tended to be oriented toward the military leader (Van Wart, 2005). The literature on non-profit leadership has had an even shorter existence.

The dimensions of leadership studied in each sector show great similarity. In fact, current texts for for-profit and non-profit leaders all ...
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