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Answer 1

Contingency theorists believed that the design of an organization must fit within its environment and the leadership style is the most effective when it fits the task undertaken and the nature of the group (Fiedler 1967). Fiedler's (1964) Contingency Theory approach differed from trait and behavioral models in that it suggests that group performance is contingent on the leader's psychological orientation as well as three variables: (1) relationship/atmosphere, (2) task structure, and (3) power position. High LPC leaders tend to have friendly relationships and act in a positive and supportive manner, while low LPC leaders are more task-oriented and have less positive relationship with employees (Judge A, 2011).

Fiedler established a tool called least preferred coworker (LPC), which aims to measure whether a person is task-oriented or relationship oriented. Fiedler emphasized on three dimensions of contingency approach:

1. Leader-member relations: the degree of trustworthiness and respect employees has in their leader.

2. Task structure: The degree to which the task of the job involves processes and procedures

3. Position of power: The degree of influence a leader has over his power variables such as recruiting, selecting, and terminating and salary increment.

The Cognitive Resource Theory (CRT) shows that the early leadership models that were studied in the past are more emphasized on the situation. CRT, as compare to contingency model of leadership, provided broader view of trait contingency models. It is the second contingency approach that identifies the traits of leaders. In this theory, Fiedler identified two leadership traits: intelligence and experience represent the effectiveness of leadership.

The cognitive ability of a leader of the team contributes to the development only when the leader performs management approaches. When leaders are good at planning and decision making in ensuring that their plans are implemented, these leaders tell people what to do, which is better than if they had hopes of reaching an agreement with the team. When a leader is no better than members of your team, then a non-directive approach is preferable, for example, when team members facilitate an open discussion where ideas can be ventilated equipment and the best approach is identified and implemented. Stress affects the relationship between intelligence and the quality of decisions (Fiedler, 2001).

Answer 2

Police management requires constant scrutiny and analysis in terms of making the entire police department an effective and efficient delivery portal of top-class servicing and at the same time working for the improvement and well-being of individuals around the country accordingly. For this paper and to consider as an example in terms of leadership roles being played and performed, we shall be discussing the police department effective in the United States in a holistic concept (Deflem, 2004).

Experience is preferred to quality decisions under high stress conditions. When there is a high intelligence and situational stress is odd, the experience of courses of action taken in similar situations make it possible for the leader to react more appropriately without careful thinking about the situation. The experience in making decisions under pressure and stress ...
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