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Ethnography is termed as one of the most important and also one of the most commonly used mode of qualitative inquiry that deals into social as well as into cultural conditions, specifically not only in the area of academic based social sciences, but also in various organizations as well as in those activities which are outside the university; thus it can be termed as from PARC to the use and methods of Federal Reserve. As a matter of fact, there is no proper or one definition of the word ethnography and likewise we do not have specified methods that can depicts the uniform and proper practices of the ethnographic method and along with this, there are proper ethnographic practices that directly or indirectly responds as well as adapts to various field research based situations. According to numerous researchers, ethnography along with the participant oriented observation, skills of interviewing, and other important as well as qualitative techniques, is actually termed as a deliberate and proper attempt that help in order to generate maximum data as compare to those researchers who are actually aware of all the happenings that do occur at the time of the data collection, and along with this it is also related to the study of all the unpredictable outcomes along with the important and complex emerging based social formations, and also to the technological and other market based changes. As a matter of fact, there is also no doubt that ethnography is termed as one of an undergoing changes that occurs in the conditions of its own phase of production, and also in all the forms as well as techniques with the help of which it is also reported to various different readerships and also to all the constituencies that are related to it (Ash & Goldstein, 1995, p.210).

At University of California, the Center for Ethnography was established in the year 2006 that aimed to develop variety of sustained as well as diverse based theoretical along with the methodological conversations across various multiple disciplines, also in academic and in applied sciences as well, aiming towards the probing the state that is linked to the ethnographic practice and also to influence the current changes so that future changes can be easily made in such a manner that depicts that how ethnography is usually conducted, how it is well reported by receiving sources and then eventually how it is taught. The centre along other duties also supports the innovative based collaborative ethnographic research and also all the experiments which are on the theoretical as well as to the methodological based refunctioning process of ethnography. One main as well as an important aim of this centre is also to foster the methodological based innovation in the field of ethnography across the globe (Nnable, 2000, p.55).

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