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Question 1


Defamation is a public statement about individuals, products, groups, or organizations which is untrue and may cause them harm. Termed libel if in written form and slander if spoken.

The two most common types of defamation of character are libel and slander. Defamation generally occurs when an individual deliberately and maliciously lies about another person, or business, or bring an emotional or financial harm. Defamation is very similar, because the motive for making false statements is often equal, but usually occurs in the form of publication - as in a newspaper or magazine. Defamation can occur in broadcast journalism as well. Individuals who have suffered emotional distress or financial loss due to defamation sometimes can file a lawsuit against the person or group of media who trusts this wrongdoing.

If a person publishes a false and / or intentionally harmful article in a local newspaper over another, then defamation can be considered defamation. Finally, Internet defamation can transpire if the person publishing such defamatory statements online. In none of these cases, defamation can occur when false accusations or reports are spoken or written to cause harm to an individual, group, or an establishment.

British is a very strict country when it comes to freedom of expression, especially when any party try to defame other party without proper investigation or proper proof. They can take the other party in court. The Committee on Human Rights UN has already noted that our defamation law discouraged any serious investigation of certain matters of public interest and prevents the publication of numerous works of researchers and journalists. "UK law should promote the exchange of ideas; it should protect science and research. Unfortunately, the government's reluctance to act on this point cannot be interpreted as a sign of its willingness to limit more strictly the freedom of expression in recent years, "said Sir Ken Macdonald, former representative of the prosecution.

The solution to this problem is yet little complicated. One could, for example, use arbitration to avoid the prohibitive costs, or shift the burden of proof of the accused to the complainant, or set a ceiling for damages (even if fees justice is generally more problematic). The courts could reject cases in UK in which the readership of a newspaper is less than 10% or traffic on a website is very low. The law on defamation must be amended in order to better defend the public interest. UK Supreme Court is being transformed into a vast machine to make money for the plaintiffs in defamation and unscrupulous lawyers. It is time it is stopped and more freedom is given to investigation and expression. In this case, Cameron Grove can take Gideon Johnson to court, since the allegations are not proved and she used words that could affect Cameron's popularity.

Question 2

UK protects the legal right of individuals including children of their privacy, even if they are with their parents. The justification given in this case is that it creates conflict security and other ...