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Consumer Protection Act 1987

Consumer Protection Act 1987


(Consumer protection) protection, especially the law, the rights of consumers, currently in the UK is carried out policies to protect the rights of legal consumers from unfair contract terms (transactions). In particular, the law on unfair contract terms (1977) and the Sale of Goods Act (1979) provide consumers with protection against such conditions as an attempt to limit the seller's obligations arising out of his right to sell goods from their description of the conformity of products or model (see: trade description (trade description) and the fact that the products are commercial quality and suitable for use for those purposes. Fair Trade Act (1973) also contains a provision prohibiting unfair trade in consumer goods. This Act provides for Director General of Fair Trading (Director General of Fair Trading), which is responsible for the control of commercial activities relating to the supply of goods to consumers, as well as exposing the practices which are damaging the economic interests of consumers. Individual cases of violations of consumer rights can be transferred to them for consideration by the Advisory Committee on Consumer Protection (Consumer Protection Advisory Committee), or allowed them to yourself. interests of consumers (including individual businessmen) are protected by the Law on Consumer Credit (1974), and when they receive credits.

The concept and content of the subjective rights of the consumer

One of the most important consumer rights, as set forth by the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", is entitled to receive goods and services, the results of good quality, which means the products conforming to the quality requirements set in accordance with Art. 4 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights." The dynamics of the rules on the quality of goods and services was as follows: The Civil Code of the RSFSR (Article 245, is not acting with 1.3.96) states that the quality of the thing sold shall conform to the contract, and in the absence of indications in the contract - usually inadequate. The thing is, selling trade organization, shall comply with standard specifications or samples, unless otherwise follows from the nature of this type of sale (as amended in 1987).

Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", in the original wording of Art. 4, retained a certain level of product quality criteria, but nevertheless made ??significant advances. First, uniform criteria were established requirements for the quality of goods and services. In the previous legislation the quality of work and services is mainly determined by the terms of the contract and is usually made ??requirements and to a lesser extent - the standards. Secondly, the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" extended product standards compliance requirements for all products, regardless of where they are sold - in the trade organization or a citizen in the order of business. Thirdly, the Civil Code of the RSFSR sent to the usual requirements in cases where the requirement of a contract does not provide.

Scope of the Act

Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" is usually attached the ...