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Casey Anthony's Trial

Casey Anthony's Trial


Crime refers to a set of acts that are carried out against the laws which are normally implemented and generally accepted by the entire society overall. Crime can also be defined as 'the conduct of a person or persons who do not meet the requirements of the given society and violate the laws of that particular society'. As a result, the crime may differ depending on criminal code of each country. A criminal who commits crime on several occasions can be regarded an anti-social person, since his or her actions undermine the normal functioning of the society, endangering a different nature to its members. Crime is a unique human behavior, however it is not a spontaneous phenomenon; there are always factors that cause or trigger crime.

Thesis Statement

We will discuss the meaning of Crime and its kinds, with the help of an example. We will also try to find out the causes of crime.

Criminal Law

Criminal law includes the criminal the criminal procedure when the court is trying to charge or imprison any person for the criminal activity. It also includes the regulations on how the person will be investigated and charged. It is the prime responsibility of the state to enforce law in the country.


Crime is any act of breaching or violating rules defined by state, congress or legal institutions. The definition and categories of crimes differ in different parts of the world depending on the legal, social and moral values of that place. The governing or regulatory authority is responsible for prescribing convictions according to the intensity of that crime.

Causes of Crime

Causes of crimes are generally common in all parts of the world with minor distinctions. However, the frequency of criminal activity may vary depending on the strictness of law enforcement in ...