Land Law

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Land Law

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Land Law


The need for legal, private and public, social, economic, state is linked to the principle of law enforcement to create a structure, the registry and registrar, whose main mission is to disseminate, and publish, the real owners of property and certain entitlements of interests. This organization publishes the status of a particular farm, also retains indefinitely the advertising, while noting mutations or changes that may occur. In its tangible form, the land law is subject to reduction or enlargement and subdivision in the ownership of more people, and dismemberments of the right (Mackin, 2006). The owner becomes the lawful owner, or the owner trustee or beneficial owner, operations that can also work in reverse in any legal situation. The cases in this paper discuss the land laws with respect to the issue of overriding, minor i9ntretst and the original agreements.

Part A

This case of Mr. Hay solely depends on the issue of land overriding and minor interests that were previously governed by the LPA 1925 which is now covered under the Land Registration Act 2002. The dilemma presented in the case is to assess if a bona fide purchaser can be defeated by any potential interest in the land. The Act made some significant changes in the law governing registered land (Gray, 2009). Specifically, the Section 4 of the Act provides that the registration of land ownership is mandatory. Failure to register when required means that the purchaser or transferee gains equitable title to the land and the seller or transferor remains the registered owner (Freyfogle, 2003). A person with an equitable title that is not registered you can not take advantage of the priority rules in Articles 29 and 30 of the Act and may be vulnerable if the owner (yet) registered another envelope with attempts the earth. In the initial registration the registrar grade award, the title of each property registered. In the case of freehold property, grades of title may be awarded according to s. 11 of the Act.

Rose was in New Orleans at the time of sale of the farm. She, however, had documented evidence of her contribution in the property at the time of purchase; yet, there was no legal proof of her being entered as a proprietor on the land registry. She is the prima facie and possesses some interest in the land's ownership and benefit from the sale. It is obvious that there is no legal registration on her name; therefore, this leaves her with the interest of either being a contributor, partner of prior owner or an occupier. In case if she declares herself as a contributor then the clauses of deal must have had some sort of registration or documented evidence? If she declares herself as a partner of the prior owner, she will have to proof her registration as a Class F charge. In case, if she proofs that she is the occupier, a notice of her being out of station, in New Orleans, was important to be ...
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