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Both part 1 and part 2 to be done

Task 1

Lamps are devices designed to provide light through an artificial light or more light bulbs. The earliest forms of lamp were burning sticks or containers filled with hot coals. After that people used to light torches length, formed by bundles of twigs or splinters of wood resin, tied and soaked in tallow or oil to improve their qualities of combustion. It is unknown the exact origin of the oil lamp, the first lamp authentic, but it was used extensively in Greece in the fourth century BC The first such lamps were open containers made ??of stone, clay, bone or shell, in which fat or oil is burned. Later became sebum or oil deposits partially closed, with a small hole in which a wick was placed in linen or cotton. The fuel wick ascended by action capillary and burned in the end thereof. This type of lamp is also called lamp. Some great Greek and Roman lamps were many strands to give a brighter light. In Europe lamp northern the most common form of an open vessel was filled with sebum stone, which was introduced a wick. The Inuit (Eskimos) still use such lamps (Spillman, 1983, pp. 11).

Modern lamps

In the eighteenth century there was a breakthrough in the round lamps when the wicks were replaced by flat wicks, which provided a larger flame. The Swiss chemist Aime Argand invented a lamp that used a tubular wick enclosed between two metal cylinders, fed oil. The inner cylinder is extended to below the fuel tank and provided an internal shot (Trotter, 1921, pp. 103). Argand also discovered the principle of the lamp, in which a tube of glass shot improves and makes the lamp to burn brighter and smokeless, besides protecting the flame from the wind. The inner cylindrical shot later adapted for use in lamps gas invented by Lebon.

Types and description of electric lamps

Shock lamps depend on ionization and electrical discharge in vapors or gases at low pressures should be traversed by an electric current. The best examples of this type of slide arc lamps are filled with mercury vapor, which produces an intense blue-green light and are used for photography and street lighting, and neon lamps, used for decorative signs and storefronts in the most modern lamp tubes or ampoules for improving the color and efficacy. Translucent ceramic tubes, glass-like, have allowed manufacturing sodium vapor lamps with high pressure power unprecedented light.

The fluorescent lamp is another type of electric shock device used for general lighting applications. It is a mercury vapor lamp contained in the low pressure glass pipe, coated on the inside with a fluorescent material known as phosphorus. The radiation in the arc vapor lamp causes the phosphor becomes fluorescent. Most of the arc radiation is invisible ultraviolet light, but this radiation is converted into visible light to excite the phosphor. Fluorescent lamps are highlighted by a number of important advantages (Curtis, 1975, ...
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