Kidney Yin Deficiency

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Kidney Yin Deficiency

Kidney Yin Deficiency


In recent years, great progress has been made in studies on the nature of kidney deficiency syndromes. But many problems have not been solved yet. For example, in the study on the specific indexes for the kidney-yang deficiency syndrome, the same results of urine 24h 17-hydroxyl-steroid can also be found in the syndromes of deficiency of spleen-yang, deficiency of lung-qi, and deficiency of stomachyang.

So, the study of the pathological features from genomics for yin-yang change-over of nephritic syndrome may also shed light on the study of kidney deficiency syndromes because the change-over of yin-yang in nephritic syndrome is typical, especially in the first stage of treatment with a large dose of glucocorticosteroid (Zhang, 2005).

Under the effect of glucocorticosteroid, the pathological condition of the patient with edema due to yang deficiency may change into yin deficiency with deficient fire presenting the symptoms of exogenous adrenocortical hyperfunction like Cushing's syndrome, such as malar flush, dry throat, hot sensation in the palms and soles, acne, polytrichosis, red tongue with less moisture, wiry and rapid pulse.

But with a decreased dose of glucocorticosteroid in the maintenance period, the patient may present different degrees of corticosteroids withdrawing syndrome with the pathological changes for yin deficiency to yang deficiency marked by listlessness, tiredness, pale complexion, soreness in lumbus and knees, shortness of breath, unwillingness to talk, light red tongue, deep and thready pulse. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate the present studies on yin-yang change-over in kidney deficiency syndrome with the nature of gene regulation.


Kidneys are the congenital foundation of human existence and govern sperm storage, relating to the basic living activities of cells, such as cell proliferation, cell differentiation and aging and death. There are two aspects affecting yin-yang change-over in kidney deficiency syndrome at the molecular level, one of which is the change of telomere genes.

This is a common condition for peri-menopausal or menopausal women as it results from a decline in the vital substance known as yin. It is also common in cases of excessive drug or alcohol use, chronic stress and “over achiever” syndrome. Yin represents the nourishing, moistening and calming characteristics of the physiological process. It is representative of the water within the body whereas yang is representative of the fire. A decline in yin leads to an abundance of yang so symptoms such as irritability, insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, dry skin and hair, vaginal dryness and frequent thirst with darker colored urine are common. For reproduction, yin represents the ripening of a follicle, the moistening of the fallopian tubes and the replenishing of the endometrium.

Nourishing the yin is essential for balance so quieting activities such as adequate rest, meditation, yoga, or quiet contemplative prayer can help. Avoid stress and express your emotions peacefully. Get plenty of sleep.

Telomere is a region of high-level duplicate nucleotide sequence in the terminal end of a chromosome, with the function of maintaining structural integrity of chromosomes in its reproduction process. Normal cells gradually lose approximately 100bp terminal sequence ...
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