Karen Horney

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Karen Horney

Karen Horney


Karen Horney was born September 16, 1885, to Clotilde and Berndt Wackels Danielson. Her dad was a ship's head individual, a devout man, and an authoritarian. His children called him "the Bible thrower," because, as asserted by Horney, he did! Her mother, who was renowned as Sonni, was a very distinct person -- Berndt's second wife, 19 years his juvenile, and considerably more urbane. Karen furthermore had an older brother, furthermore entitled Berndt, for who she nurtured profoundly, as well as four older siblings from her father's preceding marriage (Sayers 2000).

Karen Horney administered with depression early in life. She recounted her dad as a firm disciplinarian and was very close to her older brother, Berndt. When he distanced himself from her, Horney became depressed, a difficulty she would deal with all through her life.

Horney dedicated herself to school, believing that, "If I couldn't be attractive, I decided I would be smart." She started health school in 1906 and wed a law student entitled Oscar Horney in 1909. The death of her mother and then brother in 1911 and 1923 were exceedingly tough for Horney. In 1926, Horney left her married man and shifted to the United States with her three daughters. It was here that she became associates with other famous thinkers and evolved her theories on psychology (Boeree 2001).

Karen Horney's childhood appears to have been one of misperceptions: For demonstration, while she tints a image of her dad as a rough disciplinarian who favored her brother Berndt over her, he apparently conveyed her presents from all over the world and even took her on three long ocean voyages with him -- a very odd thing for ocean head individuals to manage in those days! Nevertheless, she sensed deprived of her father's affections, and so became especially adhered to her mother, evolving, as she put it, "her little lamb." (Kelman 2001)

At the age of nine, she altered her set about to life, and became determined and even rebellious. She said "If I couldn't be attractive, I decided I would be smart," which is only odd in that she really was pretty! Also throughout this time, she evolved certain thing of a trample on her own brother (O1Connell 2001). Embarrassed by her attentions, as you might anticipate of a juvenile teenage young man, he shoved her away. This directed to her first bout with depression -- a difficulty that would plague her remainder of her life.

In early adulthood came some years of stress. In 1904, her mother separated her dad and left him with Karen and juvenile Berndt. In 1906, she went into health school, contrary to her parents' desires and, in detail, contrary to the attitudes of gracious humanity of the time. While there, she contacted a law student entitled Oscar Horney, who she wed in 1909(Kelman 2001). In 1910, Karen provided birth to Brigitte, the first of her three daughters. In 1911, her mother Sonni died. The damage of these happenings was hard on ...
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