Juvenile Justice System

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Evaluation of Juvenile Justice System

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Evaluation of Juvenile Justice System


The system of juvenile justice refers to an agencies network which deal with juveniles who have violated the law. Juvenile justice system involves agencies like police, court, detention, probation, prosecutor, and the Juvenile Corrections Department.


There is a drastic increase in juvenile violence, chiefly homicides that started during 1980s and peaked during 1990s, create substantial fear and concern among community and directed to changes in policy by local, state and federal governments.

During 1950 and 1960, public concern raise about the juvenile justice system effectiveness because of number of juveniles who were detained indefinitely and supposed lack of effectiveness. Supreme Court made a many decisions that formalized the juvenile courts during 1960s. Formal hearings were necessary in circumstances in which juveniles were surrender to adult courts, juveniles facing incarceration were needed to be provided the right to get charges notice against them, and the right to have a lawyer embody them. By the year 1980, the public seemed that juvenile offense was increasing rapidly and that the system was too compassionate. US states passed laws of punitive, as well as obligatory sentences and automatic waivers to courts of adult for certain offenses (Corriero, 2006).

The first court for juvenile was founded in Chicago during 1899 as a Progressive era byproduct. Before this, when juvenile was involved in any crime was incarcerated in adults' prison. Even though, views of socialist had started to change. With current research and discoveries by psychologist, several begun to view juvenile as young people who are not hardened criminals just lost their way. This change in perception emerges as a milestone and believed that disciplinary guidelines and structure helps juvenile a productive member of society. Since, juvenile justice system focus is to ...
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