Do you think juvenile court proceedings should be open to the public? Why or why not?
Yes the juvenile court proceedings should be open because The Great and General Court of Massachusetts going these claims for restructure of the juvenile justice system and enacted legislation that, amidst other things, abolishes the test de novo system in the juvenile courts, needs the test of juveniles ascribed with killing, manslaughter, aggravated rape, forcible rape of a progeny, kidnapping, assault with intent to steal or killing and equipped burglary in mature individual court and allows prosecutors to open to the public juvenile proceedings when they search an mature individual sentence. (McShane & Williams 2003)
In supplement to being pointless in lightweight of the elimination of move hearings in the juvenile justice system, the self-acting test provision contradicts the customary beliefs of the juvenile justice system. The basic standard upon which the founders founded the juvenile justice system is that juveniles are distinct from mature individuals and need distinct treatment. Throughout its annals, the juvenile justice system has strived to support this standard by supplying benevolent and less prescribed means than mature individual courts for considering with the exclusive difficulties of juvenile offenders. For example, juvenile courts normally subscribed to the beliefs of rehabilitation, other than penalty, and shut proceedings to the public to defend juveniles from hurtful stigma. Massachusetts, in supplying for the self-acting test in mature individual court of juveniles ascribed with certain misdeeds, moves away from the customary benevolent, rehabilitative beliefs of the juvenile justice system and in the direction of a retributive or "just desserts" philosophy. Critics brush aside this contention, asserting a referee in the mature individual court still has the administration to enforce a juvenile judgment on the offender. (Friday & Ren 2006)