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Journal Entries


Activism involves actions that are purposefully crafted to achieve political, social, economic or environmental goals. These actions can take the form of letters, voiced concerns, public gatherings, rallies, marches, hunger strikes, boycotts or sit-ins. Though some of these forms may seem extreme, they are an effective means of delivering a message and acquiring results. The term activist reflects individuals who take part in activism. This may be for a brief period in time or a way of life. Some activists feel it is their duty to protect the rights of people, animals and the environment. Others become activists for more personal reasons, such as a political career.

The concept of activism has seen growth the past few years. The abolishment of slavery, the recognition of human rights, labor laws and stricter enforcement of labor laws all over the world are proof that activism can bring about positive change. Women are gradually stepping up and are being allowed to accept positions of power and influence; leading nations as presidents, chancellors and prime ministers.

In the case of Timberland's CEO, he was subjected to an action that did not cause any physical harm. Still, the sheer number of concerns was overwhelming and succeeded in drawing his attention to the situation and concerns at hand. I believe the method the activists chose was extremely wise. They used a virtual technique that did not cause any physical harm. It may have caused the company's servers to overload, but it did not put anybody's life in harm's way. Credit should be given to the CEO as well. He proved himself to be a worthy and ethical professional by addressing the issue. The way he addressed the issue worked to his advantage. In the process, he created a better image of himself and the company, while making sure the desires and considerations of the activists were fulfilled.

Most governments, business leaders and law makers view activists as a nuisance. I believe that human beings as a race are fortunate that activists exist. If it were not for them, we would continue to abuse the environment and even abuse our fellow men. People from all walks of life can participate in activism. They can participate on a large and public scale or individually. It can be a small, organized movement to shut down inappropriate activities in the community or a global group striving to end racism, genocide, war or abortion. As human beings, everyone has a right to voice their concerns. Activists are those brave few individuals that make it a point to be heard and make an effort to bring about change for a better future for their children and future generations. Many true activists believe in leaving the world in a better state than they initially received it in.

If it was not for activists, the world would not see an African American in the White House. They would certainly not see the preservation of wildlife in Africa, Asia and South ...
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