Joseph Wesbecker's Case Study

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Joseph Wesbecker's Case Study

Joseph Wesbecker's Case Study


The case of Joseph Wesbecker represents an example of workplace depression and violence. He was the first patient on which the drug Prozac was tried. He clearly exhibited the four themes in his disorder, which were, depression, anger, mania and suicidal attempts and a little bit of mania agitation.

He was accused for killing 8 co-workers and wounding 12 co-workers at his office, where he worked for 17 years in 1989 and then killed himself. Psychological evidence suggests that he knew what he was doing and he could control his behavior to some extent and he must have planed for this act at least before a year.


It is considered that signs of these disorders were inherited to him genetically as his maternal grandmother was a mental patient and admitted twice in a hospital. She showed signs of depression, suicidal attempts, and illusion of maltreatment. It is expected some these factors might have been transferred from his grandmother. Joe's birth was normal but he had a very tragic background as his father died by felling from the roof of church and her mother borne the whole misery alone in the age of 17 years. His mother started living with her parents but soon joe's grand father died in an accident on job and after two years his paternal grandfather died of heart disease. His mental grandmother basically raised him. He also had to spent time in orphanage at the age of 12 to 13. His education was also disturbed and he could study only till 8th grade and he showed symptoms of dyslexia and delinquency. Later he got a job in printing company and got married. He was very good at work but was very much upset with his wife on doing job and he finally left his wife in 1978.

Indication of Behavioral Disorder

His mental disorder was shown first time in 1980 by physician during his shoulder treatment. There he was treated for depression as well due to his extremely high hard work and lack of sleep. Later he indulged himself into second relationship in 1981 but he continuously had fights with his wife and her ex children and ex husband and ultimately broke out of this relationship too. He made his first suicidal attempt in 1984 and was treated by a psychiatrist (Lester. D., 2010).

He also faced sever work pressure too during those times, but he excused from work on advice of his doctor. His depression and agitation caused him to take a huge diet and he was again admitted in hospital in 1987. He raised his concerns for working on that particular machine but his complaint was not entertained due to his mental sickness. It was the time when he showed his great interest into guns and started brining guns at work.

He was treated by Dr. Lee Coleman for the longer time of his disease. Initially Dr diagnosed he had Bipolar Disorder but medications did not work ...