Jonathan Swift: A Modest Proposal

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Jonathan Swift: A Modest Proposal

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Jonathan Swift: A Modest Proposal


Jonathan Swift was a political writer and Anglo-Irish satirist. He studied theology in Dublin until the outbreak of civil war, after traveling to England he returned to London to participate in the political, religious and literary progressions. Through humor, madness and human arrogance, he was considered one of the masters of English prose and was most passionate of the word, offensive. His numerous political writings, prose, letters and poems have in common use of a sharp and explicit language (Lawall, Sarah, 2001). Although at first was in favor of the Whigs, after the rise of the Tories, he wrote a series of pamphlets in their favor and against the Whigs. In his pamphlet, The Conduct of the Allies in 1711, he accused the Liberal Party in their particular interest to extend the war of Spanish Succession (dynastic and international conflict, which took place between 1702 and 1714, after which he settled the Bourbon dynasty in Spain), prompting the resignation of the commander of the armed forces. Given the problems of begging presented not only to the local condition s but in other places visited by the author, the intent of this is to give a possible solution to social problems and have a common benefit, from an economic standpoint and welfare.


The writings of the author, Jonathan Swift addressed political issues, the circles of power in London, relations between Ireland and England and the European situation. The religious themes, the excesses of the church hierarchy, the rigidity of some clergy, the excessive power of the church and social problems famine in Ireland were the main topics of Jonathan Swift, as well. The author and writer rigorously scrutinized the factors of the society he lived. The writer seriously thought about the human condition, their weaknesses and pettiness, from the perspective of a definite misanthrope and included in his writings in order to highlight the issues of the society. The Modest proposal is one of various texts assertive, includes a proposal, especially ironic, that the poor Irish children could be sold as meat to improve the diet of the rich, as this would benefit all sectors of society. This is written in first person and distributed in 33 paragraphs. The politician begins by giving us a vision of the social situation of Ireland "to see the streets, roads and doors of the cabins crowded with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four or six children, all in rags and importuning every passenger for a little sum of money (Phiddian, 1996).

Swift criticized the number of children on the streets also the amount of children born to parents who cannot provide for themselves many less children. His plan is to remove children from the streets at one year old. This way they will not burden society, but will, instead, contribute to the feeding and clothing of thousands. This will prevent abortions, murder, and heinous acts of violence towards children. Swift proposes to raise ...
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