Job Specification

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Job Specification

Job Specification

Q1- Critically evaluate the job analysis that Mary conducted for the store manager?

Ans. Mary has conducted the research based on basic information the criteria is okay Decisions regarding process selection, network design, technology choice, product design, capacity & scale, supplier & customer relations, information flows, scheduling (how much, when, what) and inventory all lies in the hands of the operations manager.

It is apparent that if one is to show all of these informational flows on a diagram, it would be quite a mess. However, it is important to realize how one component of the system affects others. Also, by identifying some of the major components within a general operations system, it can be seen what some of the main problem areas are. These components are there because they are necessary to solve certain types of problems and keep the system running smoothly. (Stone R. 2002 Pp. 174-175)

Q2- What Kinds of Factors about today's fashion and its operations?

Ans. From a Fashion aspect initially, an operations system, operations managers need to decide the location of the system, the layout of the facilities, and the exact production process or method of providing service. Obviously, these decisions are not made in isolation but are quite dependent on each other. For example, the facility layout depends on the location decision if an existing building is purchased and the production layout must be designed to fit that building.

On the other hand, if a new facility is built, it will certainly be built to the size and specifications needed to fit the desired facility layout. Similarly, the layout decision is intricately connected to the design of the production process itself. The mentioned considerations are part of the long-run decisions that managers have to face in the duration of assuming their responsibilities as operations ...
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