Jane Eyre, written by Charlotte Bronte, describes the growth of a young, unstable girl into a spiritually mature woman. The character, Jane, encounters key situations in which her morale and ethics are challenged, along with her faith in God and the trust in her own self. The challenges she faces include society's class system, her search for romance and true love, and the male supremacy in her culture.
In the novel, Jane is marked as a juvenile offspring of her parents died. Social class system in Victoria, in addition to her slaves and beggars. According to her relatives, John Reed in the early part of the innovation, she had "no business to read our book", is "a dependent," she "should defend themselves, rather than live here with gentlemen's children." These early the phrase indicates that all through the rest of her life, Jane oppression. She is the reduction in testing, poor individuals, rather than the individual woman, she saw. Jane is sent to Lowood, a young woman orphaned boarding school, where even there, a sub-class program is set different from the heavy head of the school children. Here, the school began to realize that Jane, she did not like, from the general staff of the school's action set, but soon began to come to the fore and strengthen the boundaries of her class system was. Charlotte Hartley used as a form to show how brilliant, creative, thoughtful individuals can be weakened, because they simply can not see the class system.
Jane Eyre in the course of life, who she met her different approach to the many men look at her out of all of the men and their inward-looking. A regular in the novel of love because they are outside of marriage. St. John River, a priest, wanted to marry simply because of religious images, and Mr. Rochester married Bertha Mason, the money only. But Jane just want to know love, so she could know. Jane exclaimed her best friend, Helen, "I know I should feel very good, but that is not enough: if others do not love me, I would rather die than live." The direct impact of conflict, she found Jane her fiance, Mr. Rochester, formerly the sake of economic interests, married a woman, and later proposed to Jane. She believes that marriage should be love and love, no love Jane worried that she would become. Bronte uses the theme of women expressed the desire to be seen as a thinking, breathing, human love and help cultivate, through marriage to their spouse.
In her lifetime, Jane hired a Victorian way of thinking and social bonding, for a time, making the control of men and women are not, but gender, wealth and land. Jane is a land neither have neither money, start their day outsiders independent person specification. Prevention through her eyes and voice of the Bronte sisters, the population is observed in its most real and natural world, a stubborn patriarchal equipment, and the spirit of family ...