Issue Involving Inter-Agency Collaboration

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Critical Agency Issue Involving Inter-agency Collaboration

Critical Agency Issue Involving Inter-agency Collaboration


Law enforcement agency is a functional term for various agencies whose job it is criminal to pursue. You get the prosecution of suspects. These include above all the prosecutors and the police (in Germany the state police, the Federal Police and the Federal Criminal Police Office), but also the customs administration and in the field of tax law, the tax authorities with their tax investigation services. The police are usually the one law enforcement agency, the first from the suspicion of an offense gained knowledge, for example, by a criminal complaint. Even when identified, in practice the police to a particular status independently of this stage of the procedure are legally governed by the prosecutor who is authorized to issue instructions to a competent police force. It speaks to the extent of the prosecutor as "mistress of the investigation" (Crawford, 1998). Law enforcement authorities are applying the code of criminal law in Germany that is primarily the Criminal Procedure Code to. You are bound by the principle of legality bound, which says basically that any suspicion of a crime on its own initiative must be followed; notwithstanding that discretion is the authority. Law enforcement authorities are not in the true sense. Rather, they are public authorities of the judiciary, police and tax authorities, fulfilling a similar function (Crawford, 1998).

This paper would focus on the study of the cooperation and collaboration among the law enforcement and other agencies within the United States of America.

Thesis Statement

All the processes and procedures of the different agencies in United States of America are eased up due to the cooperation and collaboration among these agencies.


Cooperation and Collaboration among the US agencies

Cooperation in law enforcement: Federal Council approves the contract with the U.S.

After the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 agreed to Switzerland and the United States, to facilitate criminal investigations directly connected with the attacks together. The exact scope of cooperation and the duration were regulated in September 2002 in an "Operative Working Arrangement" (OWA) (Crawford, 1998).

It is located in Switzerland's interest to regulate its cooperation with law enforcement authorities in the U.S. to continue. For this reason, the Federal Council decided in June 2005 to open negotiations with the U.S. through a new cooperation agreement in the fight against terrorism and terrorism financing. The FDJP was charged last summer with the relevant ...
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