Is There A God

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Is there a God

Is there a God


Philosophers flesh out concept of God by drawing theoretical conclusions from God's relation to universe ('first-cause theology') & claim that God is the perfect being. 'Perfect-being' divinity is more essential method. It's the past stretches from several Philosophers like Plato & Aristotle through Stoics & into (Warren & Matson 2002). The Christian tradition as early as Augustine & Boethius, it plays an important role in underwriting such ontological arguments for God's existence as those of Anselm & Descartes. It draws on four root intuitions: that to be perfect is perfectly to be, that it includes being complete, that it includes being all-inclusive & that it includes being personal. Variously balanced, these intuitions yield our varied concepts of God.


God is an ultimate ground reality of life, he is one who deserves for worship & perfect in his own, it's main common concept of east as well as of west religions. According to the human psychologist & sociologist Freud, God is most loving father who fulfills all desires, wishes & comforts of everyone as the father-figure (Puccetti 2007). On other hand Karl Marx believes that structure of capitalist society starts from God. Believers, though, trace their belief to religious understandings, disclosed or authoritative texts, & rational reflection.

We have already seen that idea of God as Father has little to do with idea of God as creator of universe. The latter notion, nevertheless, was just as central within Jesus' teaching & in Judaism of his day. By Jesus' day, idea of YHWH as the territorial God - an idea that surfaces several places in Old Testament - had largely disappeared from view. The idea of the geographically centralized cultus, if ever connected to the idea of territorial God that had lost the connection by Jesus' day: The Jerusalem Temple, as navel of world was the Temple of universal God (Jastrow 2006). The God of Bible is the universal ruler. This follows first & foremost from confession of God as creator of universe. Eternality belongs to God alone all competing powers have real power only as allotted to them by God (who created them) & moral power only as it has been awarded them by straying heart & mind of humankind. God holds all cards (Garrigou 2003).

According to Jesus' teaching, “heaven is throne of God, earth is his footstool, & Jerusalem is city of great King”. Jesus remonstrations against corruption of Temple administration should be seen as adding to (rather than subtracting from) his regard for Temple's role as the “house of prayer.” The point of Jesus' cleansing Temple courts from an abusive commercial system was to uphold Temple's role as the “house of prayer,” the role reflected in apocalyptic writings. Whether Jesus included Isaiah's words “for all nations” is the matter of debate, as Mark includes words while Matthew & Luke (in the so-called “minor agreement” against Mark) do not (Hinton 2003).

The theme of God's universal rule of course opens onto God's relation ...
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