Is The United States Ready For A Gay President?

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IS THE UNITED STATES READY FOR A GAY PRESIDENT? Is the United States ready for a gay president?

Is the United States Ready for a Gay President?

The president of the United States is often considered as one of the most influential and powerful entities in the world. It is due to the extraordinary military, diplomatic, and economic power they control, yet the office they hold is the one which is continuously checked and balanced within the American constitutional system. It is assessed to the point that some of the presidents have even complained about the constraints on their capacity to get things done. Therefore the personality suited for the presidency needs to have all the necessary ingredients within him in order to cope up with the pressure and the toughness related to the job. The candidate is evaluated and assessed on different criterions including its sexual orientation in order to find out whether he'll be able to fulfill the job requirement or not. The means in which presidential power should be put into effect and the competence of different chief executives to use their authority well has evolved and shifted as American history has unfolded (Adam, 1995) (Adam, 1995).

The issue of homosexuality and their status in the social world has had a great deal of hype lately. People with homosexual orientation articulate that the slaves have been set free and females have been liberated, so gay rights are overdue for a long time now . On the whole, it can be seen that the society is progressing in that track. A lot of homosexual people are surfacing and declaring openly about their homosexuality. In various parts of the western world, gay or lesbian couples receive the same recognition as heterosexual couples in terms of social security benefits. There are some church leaders and religious figures who give their blessing to homosexual relationships, homosexual members of the church and even homosexual ministers; however, they are very limited at the moment. Majority of the religious leaders are opposing this phenomenon. As one Christian expert has said “Gender, race and impairment all relate to what a person is, whereas homosexuality relates to what a person does” (Lansdown, 1995) (Adam, 1995).

Barack Obama's comprehensive conquest in his run for the presidential campaign clearly demonstrated that, as far as equality and civil rights are concerned, the United States of America has come a long way especially in the last fifty to sixty years. In addition to this, it has also noticeably established that there are still a lot of dogmatists out there, apprehensive to make themselves heard, and persistent in their wish to transform United States into a nation of exclusively white, straight and Christian citizens (Lansdown, 1995).

Besides those of us who have always been colorblind, much of the credit for Obama's success goes to the juvenile age group. These young people have grown up in integrated schools, with team mates and friends of every color, county of origin, and ethnic ...