Is Technology Making Our Kids Ignorant Or Active Learners And Creators? I Believe It Is Making Them A Little Ignorant.

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Is technology making our kids ignorant or active learners and creators? I believe it is making them a little ignorant.


The use of technology and specifically video games for entertainment purposes has rapidly increased during the past decades, and in many of today's most popular games we see harming, fighting, or killing as a main feature of game play. Accordingly, a substantial body of empirical studies has investigated the detrimental effects of exposure to media violence in video games during the last 20 years. However, no published study has addressed the question of whether hostile information processing also mediates effects of violent video games on prosocial behavior. Exposure to violent video games can decrease helping behavior and cooperation in social settings (Anderson, pp.22).


Only little empirical and theoretical work has addressed the question of how elements of interactivity in video games are related to the effects of video game violence on subsequent hostile information processing and behavior. Some researchers have presented theoretical arguments that interactivity might enhance psychological effects of media violence. Interactivity enables the player to actively engage in aggressive interactions through a virtual character that is controlled by the player. Whereas violent content on TV and in films is perceived from the perspective of an observer, players actively participate in aggressive interactions in video games. In other words, players can be both perpetrators and victims of aggressive acts within a video game (Gee, pp.121).

An overview of the benefits of these games

Players learn to think creatively and strategically. They seek solutions to problems. Spatial intelligence is enhanced and the reaction rate is positively influenced. They found that: "Playing video games leads to positive consequences in terms of spatial intelligence and reaction time. Spatial intelligence is considered one of the most important forms of our intelligence. Playing video games can have positive effects. Are there certain aspects of the games themselves or certain categories of games, may influence cognitive functioning, the answer to this question generates some surprises: ...
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