Is Ocd A Disease Or Is It A Disease Entity?

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Is OCD a disease or is it a disease entity?

Is OCD a disease or is it a disease entity?


The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the question that is OCD a disease or disease entity. OCD (obsessional neurosis), is characterized by the presence of obsessions and compulsions, i.e. ideas, thoughts, images or impulses and acts on a recurring, repetitive and intrusive, causing great discomfort, either by content or by the strangeness about their usual way of thinking and acting, against which the will cannot prevent its occurrence or realization (American Psychiatric Association, 2007).


The first main issue to be considered in deciding that whether OCD is a disease or disease entity is that whether the constellation of behaviours and the patterns of thinking are coherent. In other words, it is making the decision that whether it is a disease or disease entity. The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM) has established the historical notion of OCD by making separations of the phobias coming from obsessions and making the obsessive-compulsive personality. The differences between the personality and disorders have also been codified by the DSM-II. The later editions have provided more information about the disease, and defined OCD as the condition which is different from schizophrenia and depression (Saxena, 2007). It also does not need the diagnosis time of three to six weeks. Today, you hear a lot about OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). This pathology is within the so-called anxiety disorders, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM IV prepared by the American Psychiatric Association. However, it is clear; it is not a new disease or pathology of our times. His body, and was described by the classical psychiatry, but especially by Freud in the late nineteenth century, usually knowing and still today as obsessive neurosis.

It is within psychoanalysis, one of the main clinical forms of neurosis in (along with the hysteria and phobia), which together are called neurotic structures, to refer to a specific embodiment of psychological defense mechanisms that characterize these clinical entities. This particular form of disease usually occurs in young adults, mostly males, although there are also ways in childhood obsessive. In more serious cases, the disorder can lead to total avoidance behavior of contact and confinement at home, besieged by the ideas of disease (Fineberg, 2006). The particular form taken this disease makes for a rail transit intimate issues like character, habit or custom, so that everything takes place in the privacy of the patient, which patients usually present in late, when the disease takes the path of a panic attack or with the inability to control thoughts. Often confused some aspects of the symptomatology of these disorder hypochondria, by reference to the fear of disease, or with a specific phobia to a specific disease, but the nature of the disorder is very different, for the accompaniment of ritual defensive. In some cases, the absurdity of obsessive ideas, delusions have resemblance to typical schizophrenia, but ...
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