11. The IRB is obligated to factor the rigor of the research design into the overall assessment of the potential risks and benefits of this study. Please complete the chart below to ethically justify each component of data collection.
Research Question
List each research question (RQ) in a separate row below.
This section must reflect the FINAL research design. Doctoral researchers should not complete item 11 until after the oral proposal defense.
Data Collection Tools
List which instrument(s) are used to collect the data that will address each RQ.
Datapoints Yielded
List which specific questions/variables/scales of the instrument will address each RQ.
Q=Questionnaire Question Data Source
List which persons/artifacts/records will provide the data.
Data Analysis
Briefly describe the specific statistical or qualitative analyses that will address each RQ.
RQ 1: What are the perceptions of secondary school teachers regarding the incorporation of reading instruction in their content areas at the secondary school level?
Part 2 (Q4-6)
Part 3 (Q1-Q8, Q10)
Secondary Teachers
Likert Scale
This scale is used in this regard which helps in analyzing the responses of the teachers. According to this question, majority 75% of the teachers answered that it is important for teachers to create opportunities for the students to use their reading skills for learning. Furthermore, 20% teachers answered that the students should also be provided with practicing of the concepts besides reading the students should be clear about their concepts. Students capabilities are directly associated with reading.
RQ 2: Do secondary teachers believe incorporating reading instruction in their content areas would improve learning outcomes?
Part 2 (Q1-Q6)
Part 3 (Q1-Q7)
Secondary Teachers
Likert Scale
When the participants were asked their opinion regarding their belief in incorporating the reading instruction in their content areas would improve learning outcomes, Likert scale analysis revealed that most of the people (89 %), 'strongly agreed' to the statement, whereas a very small percentage of people said that they disagree to the statement (6 %), while 4% of the people remained neutral.
RQ 3: What literature-based reading instruction strategy do secondary teachers believe would be the more effective in improving secondary students' reading skills?
Part 4 (Q1-Q37)
Part 2 - Q3
Secondary Teachers
31 questions: Likert Scale Quantitative; 6 opened ended - Qualitative
When the participants were asked whether literature-based reading instruction strategy do secondary teachers believe would be the more effective in improving secondary students' reading skills or not, 73% strongly agreed to the statement, while 20% disagreed to the statement, whereas, only 7% remained neutral.
RQ 4: What relationship exists between secondary teachers' years of teaching experience, content area, and level of education and their perceptions regarding the incorporation of reading instruction across the secondary school curriculum?
Part 1 (Q1-Q8); Part 3 (Q9&Q10)
Secondary Teachers
When the participants were asked about the secondary teachers experience. Content area and level of education regarding the reading instruction. Majority of the teachers (70%) answered that the level of experience of the teachers as well as their way of reading has a great impact on the students. Furthermore, 20% teachers answered that it has no impact on the students they are taught the way they ...