[Investigating Effectiveness of Agile Practices in Outsourcing Software Projects]
“The copyright of this dissertation belongs to the author under the terms of the UK Copyright acts as amended by University of West London regulations. Due acknowledgement must always be made of the use of any materials contained in, or derived from this thesis”.
I am heartily thankful to my supervisor Dr. Bruce Laurie, whose encouragement, supervision and support from the preliminary to the concluding level enabled me to develop an understanding of the subject how provided friendly atmosphere which made to approach him easily. I would also thank my module leader 'Jose Abdelnour Nocera' for his support throughout my time at University of West London. Finally, and most importantly, I would like to thank my grandparents and parents. Their support, encouragement, quiet patience and unwavering love were undeniably of my life having been built. I thank my friends, who encouraged and supported during my studies.
This research is my own unaided work and I take an oath that the content of this research has not been submitted earlier for any educational work. Furthermore I take an oath that this research represents my own ideas and not that of university.
In this study we try to explore the concept of Investigating Effectiveness of Agile Practices in Outsourcing Software Projects in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on Agile Practices and its relation with outsourcing. The aim of this study is to get an idea about how it related companies apply agile practices in out sourcing process. Small and mediums sized projects both are included in this study. This study will help in suggesting the best option for agile practice implementation. The researcher used mixed methodology and did extensive research to reach to a meaningful conclusion.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction7
Background of the Study8
Chapter 2: Literature Review11
History and Evolution of Agile Software Development11
Agile Manifesto11
Principles of Agile Software Development11
Criticisms of Agile Software Development13
Agile Management Methods15
Leanness, Flexibility and Agility15
Agile Systems Development17
Information Technology Outsourcing18
Outsourcing Literature18
Chapter 3: Research Model23
Process Model23
Qualitative Research Method24
The Research Approach26
Data Gathering29
Typical Interview Questions30
Agile Development Case Study31
Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Discussion33
Agile Process Benefits33
Outsourcing Benefits33
Incremental Benefits of either Agile or Offshore Team34
Traditional vs. Agile Project Time Line35
Agile management and client expectation35
Agile management and vendor expectation36
Agile Practices and Trust37
Experience Report38
Agile Software Development Project Success40
Case Study Analysis44
Prototype Analysis53
Prototype Setup54
Prototyping-based, Agile Requirement Analysis54
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations56
Future Work58
Chapter 1: Introduction
The delegation of a task to an entity which is outside the mother organization scope is called outsourcing. On the other hand, the off shoring process is basically assigning a job to a destination which is outside the geographic limited of the organization country and it's basically aims to reduce cost. Both the manufacturing sector as well as the service sector practices off shoring. Off shoring is practiced by many countries but china and India are the players of off shoring. China practices off shoring on the manufacturing side and India practices it in the service sector. It is assumed that china will compete ...