It is believed that already in the 5th century, Aristotle proposed a theory of the effects of light, and argued that the constituents of light, objects moving from the eye of the observer with wave motion, on the basis of this theory, the first camera obscura made (Michael, 2001).
In the sixth century AD, an Arab alchemist, Abd-el-Kamir, declare a theory of photosensitive emulsion. In the second half of the fifteenth century, Leonardo da Vinci using the past theories, rediscovered the camera obscura and used it to draw objects reflected in it (Warren, 2009).
In the sixteenth century Italian physicist Giovanni Battista Della Porta, placed a convex lens in front of the hole, achieving greater clarity and brightness in the image (Louise, 1965). This theory and experiment represented a breakthrough for the development of photography.
Linear model is the model proposed by COTEC. The research and development process can give or be the origin of many innovation processes later. Of these processes, some can succeed and others do not. The problem is not known how long they need to generate these innovations. Moreover, this linear model does not imply that only the innovations stem from research and development directly. In many cases, innovation is continuous and non-radicals may arise from an observation of a proposed improvement (Priestley, 2001).
Also in 1839, disclosed the discovery of new model of camera “daguerreotype”. The theory and process behind this model is a single copy of emulsion or metal support (copper), where the liquid is applied on the copper plate was set on it being captured photography. The daguerreotype was expensive, heavy and difficult to maintain, not to mention the long exposure time required.
William Henry Fox Talbot invented the first negative in 1840, known as Calotype. The paper dipped in an acid solution of silver nitrate prior to exposure and after it, and again before being posted. This was breakthrough for photography, and that could make multiple copies of a negative. The exposure time was much lower, just 1-7 minutes.
There are many different types of innovation with the two most popular types amongst innovation specialists usually being incremental innovation and radical innovation. Incremental innovation exploits existing products, processes or technologies by improving on what currently existed, whereas radical innovation uproots existing markets by providing something completely new to the world. Harvard professor Clayton ...