Introduction To Business Law

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Introduction to Business Law

Introduction to Business Law

Primary Sources of Contemporary U.S. Law

Special role as a source of criminal law is constitutional legislation of the countries. Constitution of U.S. directly contains penal provisions of principle. For U.S. jurisprudence characterized cases of direct references to the provisions of the constitution in support of a decision, although the Constitution is considered rather a political document and not a source of criminal law (Beatty & Samuelson, 2011).

Common Law

Common law, also known as case law or precedent, is law developed by judges through decisions of courts. A common law system is a legal system that gives weight to common law precedent, on the principle that it is unfair to treat similar facts differently on different occasions. Such courts had a special legal regime, based on equity.

Ethics Program

Ethics Program will help Mega Inc. Company in managing the employee behavior and business ethics in an effective way. Mega Inc. Company will improve its business activities and will be able to develop effective presence in the marketplace through an effective implementation of ethics program.

Concept of Jurisdiction

It is the power derived from the sovereignty of the State to apply the law in the case, resolving definitively and irrevocably a dispute, which is exercised in the form exclusively by courts, composed of judges autonomous and independent. One of the main features of judicial authority is irrevocable and definitive character, capable of producing the right performance in what is technically called double jeopardy. The concept of jurisdiction law defines the scope of issues to be recognition in terms of their characteristics and symptoms. Jurisdiction is the authority of each State to administer justice through the judicial organs in accordance with the Constitution and laws (Beatty & Samuelson, 2011).

Types of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Settlement conference is a kind of ADR in which two opposing parties of the law suit sit together to resolve the issues or disputes without any trial and on mutually agreement basis.

Facilitation is another kind of ADR in which a neutral group is invited to facilitate a group of people in making conducive discussions related to sensitive, complex or controversial issues.

Some other kinds of ADR are as follows:



Peer Review

Fact Finding

Early Neutral Evaluation


Tim's Case

The factors that need to be considered by the college in case of Tim are as follows:

The committee of the college should have given Tim a chance to speak for his rights, as he has not been given any chance.

Tim should be provided a proof in the form of plagiarism report that would ensure him about his mistake.

Tort Suit

The court and a jury will award damages in the form of monetary benefits to the successful plaintiff. The court and the jury will be looking at the contract that would have been breached by one of the party.

Elements Required To Establish Negligence

The elements that are required in establishing negligence are duty, breach of duty, proximate cause, cause in fact and damages.

Protections Afforded Criminal Defendants in 4th and 5th Amendments

The economic ...
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