Daniel Redwood is a chiropractor, acupuncture practitioner, and writer who practiced in Virginia and Washington
Marianne Williamson (born July 8, 1952)[1] is a spiritual activist, author, lecturer and founder of The Peace Alliance, a grass roots campaign supporting legislation currently before Congress to establish a United States Department of Peace.
DANIEL REDWOOD: Which facets of American heritage are most in need of healing, and which are most in need of preservation?
MARIANNE WILLIAMSON: I believe the most important political inquiry now is not what's occurrence interior of government, but rather what's occurrence interior us. DR: How would you convert that concept into programs which can competently assist the people?
MW: Concentrating on "programs that competently assist the people" is analogous to giving surgery to the ill individual in the allopathic western form of medicine. DR: So it has to proceed deeper.
MW: Yes. Government activity has its location, of course, but it still talks to the grade of effect rather than cause. In surgery, we are increasing our aim after tackling infection to the significance of stimulating healing. But in the communal body as in the personal body it is the immune scheme which we need to boost. DR: What types of things do you glimpse occurrence today that you find most inspiring?
MW: People are tapping into one of the basic American ideals, the idea of individual and heritage re-invention. I glimpse persons re-inventing themselves. DANIEL REDWOOD: Which facets of American heritage are most in need of healing, and which are most in need of preservation?
MARIANNE WILLIAMSON: I believe the most important political inquiry now is not what's occurrence interior of government, but rather what's occurrence interior us. The Greek etymology of the phrase "politics" does not signify government but rather "of the citizens." DR: How would you convert ...