Interpersonal Communication

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Interpersonal Communication in Marriages



Interpersonal communication is not only a dimension of human life, but the dimension through which we as humans do. If a person does not maintain relationships, it threatens their quality of life. People communicate because that communication is necessary for psychological well-being.

This paper discusses the importance of interpersonal communication in marriages.

The Principles and Misconceptions in Effective Interpersonal Communications

Effective communication plays a vital role in the success of human relations in various spheres of life. Effective communication requires understanding of the content of the listener as the speaker's words meant exactly.

Barriers to Effective Interpersonal Interactions

A clear communication implies that both the persons can have trouble understanding, especially if the issue is complex. Most of the relationships between couple fail because they do not involve in committing their individual developments.

How Perceptions, Emotions and Nonverbal Expression Affect Interpersonal Relationships?

Communication skill is the key factor in determining the quality of interpersonal relationship between couples. It is the fundamental tool for understanding or emotional communicating with each other.

Emotional Intelligence and Its Role in Effective Interpersonal Relationships

Emotional intelligence plays a very significant role in building up effective interpersonal relationships, and it also depends upon the following factors such as charming smile, recognition of error and finding out deficiencies, self-control and most of all emotions.

Strategies for Managing Interpersonal Conflicts

Each person has one or more preferred styles, but should seek to master the right style for every conflict.


It can be concluded that, effective interpersonal communication plays a very important role in the success of every marriage. Without interpersonal communication, it would be near to impossible for the couple to understand each other.

Interpersonal Communication in Marriages


Interpersonal communication is not only a dimension of human life, but the dimension through which we as humans do. If a person does not maintain relationships, it threatens their quality of life. People communicate because that communication is necessary for psychological well-being. Communication is not only a human need but a means to satisfy many. Interpersonal communication skills should not be measured solely by the degree to which community behavior helps to satisfy its individual needs, but also by the degree to provide the other the satisfaction of their own. Interpersonal communications are therefore, a key issue in our lives, functioning not only as a means to achieve specific objectives, but as an end in it. So it should be clear that the promotion of interpersonal communication is not an optional task or may be left to chance.

This paper discusses the importance of interpersonal communication in marriages.


Dear Friend

Hopefully you are doing well; accept my heartiest congratulations on getting engaged. Today, I want to tell you the effectiveness of interpersonal communication that will help you in building and strengthening your new relationship with your life partner.

Interpersonal communication occurs between two people who are physically close. Each person produces messages that are a response to messages that have been developed by the other or others involved in the conversation. Humans are included in a world of communication, so ...
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