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Interpersonal And Helping Skills

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Interpersonal and Helping Skills

Interpersonal And Helping Skills


In the area of interpersonal skills, there are many concepts that can be discussed. Establishing a relationship and providing support to the client, are just two of the many concepts that should be covered. There are many areas in the human service field that a case manager and human services worker has to fulfill their duties in. Initially taking the time to get to know the patient and earning their trust are very important first steps. After the trust has been earned and treatment plans have been completed, there will be a need for providing support; sometimes continuous support is even needed. The following paragraphs will discuss the many facets of interpersonal skills.

Interpersonal And Helping Skills

Establishing a RelationshipEstablishing a relationship with a client is the most important part of a client's treatment. As a case manager you want to introduce yourself to a client in a very personal and inviting fashion. A client needs to feel a sense of security before they can trust the case manager. As you introduce yourself to the client you want to do it in a way that they understand and that is appropriate to their age, gender and culture. For instance, establishing a relationship with a child may call for you becoming a play partner. A child never wants to feel threatened so you have to get down to their level. Listening attentively and working diligently with allow you to remain subjective and objective as you gather information about him or her. Throughout the entire process you want to conduct yourself in a fashion that is not judgmental to them or as if you are forcing your personal beliefs on them. Assuming that you know how to fix their problem or you know the answer to the entire question, can create a distrust which will break any bond that has been formed so far. As you continue to learn more about your client, you will work even harder to gain their trust and establish common ground so he or she will know you have their best interest at heart. One last thing is to try to sympathize with the client, to make them feel more comfortable and at ease discussing personal things with you.

Motivating a ClientCase managers should be a client's biggest motivator but without the client's full participation, the goal is almost unattainable. They will assess the patient to help him or her figure out what their goals may be or should be. Doing this together allows them to set realistic goals, so that they will be more attainable and much more effective. With the clients participation they will both develop a strategy and formulate a plan on how to reach these goals. They will both assess theses goals and decide together which will be short term, and which will be long term. Then you will implement these goals but it is imperative that both parties follow and abide by the guidelines set forth, ...
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