Internet Data Protection

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Internet Data Protection

Internet Data Protection

Privacy and data protection on the Internet


It is already obvious reference to the revolution that has led to computers and technology, and the possibilities of digitalization of information (either in the form of text, images, animations or sounds), for subsequent storage, handling or transmission, face to the processing of personal data. Internet has increased the possibilities listed above due to the interconnection of computers and databases, decentralization and growth of networks, and especially by the fact gathering, in an interactive and multidirectional, the largest number of users that can cover half (Wall, 2007. 87). Advances in the Internet have forced them to increase the capacity of computers has allowed the development of new business opportunities and new ways of marketing, although both have also shown lack of security vulnerabilities and significant.

Besides this, the transnational nature of the Internet (multiple servers scattered around the globe) and the problems of jurisdiction and jurisdiction and enforcement hamper the control of much of the legal guarantees are intended, somehow, to regulate the content or the flow of data through the network.

Sources of Privacy Intrusion


Speaking of Internet and data protection must necessarily refer to the cookies. They consist of small files that are stored on the hard disk of the user, and provide information about the websites visited, preferences and selected links, but also store other important data, if possible, as the user name and password access to a web site or the number of credit card, all in conjunction with the IP address assigned to a computer, usually for a session, by the Internet access provider. Therefore, in principle, the cookies will not be personal data to the extent that would identify an individual but to a machine. However, this is not so. First, because the cookies come in the form username @ browser configured web server name that sends the cookie, so that it could identify an individual, but is also the access provider Internet can identify, at all times, an IP address with its corresponding user, and the Data Protection Act, in defining the concept of personal data concerning them as "any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person", thus which there is no doubt that the cookies are personal data. Consequently, we must apply the relevant legislation, with corresponding obligations: the duty of disclosure in the collection of data, application for consent for treatment and, if necessary, transfer, creating the appropriate file and notify the Data Protection Agency, implementing computer security measures.

The practice indicates that the above is not done, limiting the owners of websites to report on the best, that your site uses cookies, what they are and the information they collect.

But the implications of the Internet and the regulation of personal data are much more than that. The generation of transactional data and logs that store Internet access providers is also important from this point of view, because they contain personal information about the visits of surfers to sites that, like with ...
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