International Terrorism In Mexico

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International Terrorism in Mexico


The paper discusses the various aspects of international terrorism prevailing in Mexico. It enlightens the issues of terrorism in Mexico and attempts to relate the condition with international terrorism. The paper also highlights any possible involvement of foreign organizations in the terrorism issues caused in Mexico. It further discusses the evidence of Islamic extremist groups and their operations in Mexico.

Table of Contents



Terrorism in Mexico5

International Relations of Terrorists in Mexico7

Extremist Terrorists Group in Mexico9



International Terrorism in Mexico


Terrorism is directed against the civilian population, which seeks to frighten when military actions have failed. Its practitioners intend to intimidate a group, a community or an entire nation and thus break the support of military action. It would be naive to think that the attacks of terrorist groups are unique to industrialized countries. Today the economic, financial, social and political impact, from nation to nation, block to block, and continent to continent vary.


Faced with increasing violence, the Mexican government has an army which pays salaries of 250 euros and has over 100,000 soldiers deserted in recent years, many of which are then incorporated into criminal gangs. A growing market: 90% of the cocaine entering the United States does so through Mexico. But while the northern neighbor is the main destination in recent years demand has fallen at a rate of 1% compared to a local market that incorporates new consumers (Colombia Rebels linked to Mexico Drug Cartels, 2008). The UN has called attention to the phenomenon that Mexico has gone from being a 'pass' to become the final destination of the merchandise to Colombia (Dobson, 2002). Drug trafficking has been on a war footing to control a market previously neglected.

Terrorism in Mexico

In the last fifty years. Mexico is facinf serious threats, which have been on the rise in the past decade.Restricting who are traditionally classified as terrorists, this is the civil opposition to a regime, we could hardly give that name to those who put a smoke bomb at the Embassy of Bolivia in 1967 or 66, which in 1969 planted a bomb in a pylon in protest at the slaughter of Tlatelolco (Shirk, 2009).

This is the face of the severity of the violence is in Mexico. Mexico is facing a serious drug war in which the various cartels fight each other to the death. The current horror show began in April 2006. At that time, four members of a drug cartel have been killed by the police. As a response the drug cartel in which it killed two police officers. Their severed heads of which are still dripping with blood, were found in the tourist town of Acapulco (Shirk, 2009). The list of horror murders continued indefinitely and the people of Mexico had to experience other events including

Masked gunmen have 35 bodies thrown during Haupftverkehrszeit on a busy road. A few weeks later, 32 more bodies were found in three houses.

The severed heads of five men were dumped outside a primary school in Acapulco, and two others near a ...
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