International Terrorism

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International Terrorism

International Terrorism

Answer 1).

Terrorism is the use of violence to achieve political objectives. Since the 1970s there was an overflow of terrorist attacks organized by different groups for achieving political goals. They ranged from attacks by the Irish Republican Army in search of the independence of Ireland to apparently senseless attacks, without an enemy in front, as the explosion of TWA flight English planned by Muslim terrorists. However, terrorism is mainly used by political groups who have abandoned the path of legality to face their opponents. These groups are usually too weak to directly confront his enemy, which is generally the state. Terrorism could be identified within the boundaries of a State and terrorism that transcends the boundaries of a State and not is directed against the sovereign state from which the terrorists but against a third country.

Mao considered terrorism to the basic part of the first part of the three phases of the Revolutionary War. Several insurgency models recognize that finished acts of terrorism widen the security gap , the theoretical Marxist guerrilla Carlos Marighella specifically recommended acts of terror as a means to achieve something that fits the concept of open security gap. Mao considered terrorism to be part of forming a guerrilla movement (Baer,l 2002).

All current definitions of terrorism share a common element: politically motivated behavior. Such definitions do not include violence for religious or economic benefits. Additionally, the rapid growth of transnational criminal organizations and growing range and scale of such operations, may well result in the use of violence to achieve objectives whose motivation is financial gain. Therefore, even if today the assumption is that all terrorist acts are politically motivated, some acts are motivated by other factors, and the number may grow in the light of expanding international criminal activity and an increasing number of acts extremists carried out on behalf of religious and cultural reasons. A new approach can focus more on defining terrorist acts, giving less emphasis to the motivation behind them.

Answer 2).

Terrorists have the morals and ethics of computer players located in a virtual world. Their real world is somewhere else. The "holy warriors" who think all of us to live their own way and try to force, smash it and destroy what God created: people, animals, plants, earth, air, water. He who leads, is not the loving Creator, but the haters and destroyers Satan. "Holy warriors" are people who make war against God and his creation deeply despise. Terrorism is like a disease that must be fought with spiritual weapons. But the surgery has been particularly aggressive and acute manifestations of their entitlement (Heinrich, 2001).

Moreover, terrorists have this binding behavior of an individual or a group, using strategies steeped in violence and terror, in order to target a factor or an international or a political decision which enjoy a international support. The aim of terrorist operations is to achieve results hegemony by force and terror. Such behavior often includes an international component (Heinrich, 2001).

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