International Service Marketing

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International Service Marketing

International Service Marketing

Major Products and Services

HILTON hotel is providing its major services in hotel management, offering quality services to individuals willing to avail hotel services.


We will be a hotel for businesspersons home and abroad at affordable prices, offering quality custom services: rooms and suites include cable TV, telephone, free wireless Internet, minimart, air-conditioning, hot water, room service, taxi, private garage and permanent guardianship.

Market Demand

Offering rooms and hosting services, as well as, those who need these services.

Pleasant and comfortable, adequately equipped both in its infrastructure, decoration, cleaning, furniture, air conditioning, accessories, etc.


Position in the hotel industry.

Being at the forefront to meet the needs of customers.

Contribute to the improvement and growth of the hotel industry.

Offering customers' quality service.

Establish partnerships with other tourism-related businesses to reduce the hotel costs.

Marketing Plan

HILTON hotel is trying to brand the guest experience by standardizing service with a program called People Notice. As part of the plan, the chain is implementing the supplementary service culture by conducting a three-month hands-on training program that emphasizes going the extra mile for hotel guests.

Strategic Planning

The short-term objectives are to provide courteous, friendly, caring and best services to its customers.

Making guests feel welcomed by providing best services.

The long-term objective of HILTON hotel is to earn revenue.

Becoming the market leader in hotel industry.

Marketing Perspective for the HILTON hotel

Strategy Implementation before management carries out the implementation marketing plan; they first have to communicate the vision and strategy to the entire corporation, so that employees understand the objective and will contribute to it more positively. Since the recommendation is only to fine-tune existing strategies, the structure, required resources, culture, systems and so on, are already in place (Cooper and Jackson, 2008, 66-70). To execute the strategy, work units need to be delegated, a financial budget will be allocated and an implementation timeline needs to be created. Fine-Tuning Living Scheme In Key Localities - Construction Guest Relationships The first key area that HILTON hotel must improve on is building its guest relationships. Therefore it is important to have mechanisms in place to ensure that guests remain loyal to HILTON hotel and choose the company as his or her accommodation provider, whether it is for business or pleasure (Bowen, Makens, 2010, p 78-90).

One way to achieve this is through a worldwide loyalty program with software systems that could track guests' preferences, and have the information on a database made available to all HILTON hotel and resorts. This initiative increases the value of the services for HILTON hotel guests. By taking the vision of personalized customer relations and taking it a step further, the aim here is to understand guests' preferences and ensure that they can expect to receive the same high level of service each and every time they visit a HILTON hotel location. To facilitate this, the hotel will introduce a frequent guest card, the 'Seasons Pass', which will serve two functions: Track guest activities within HILTON hotel so that their preferences for services and amenities can be recorded; Fine-Tuning Existing Strategy In ...
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