International Security Environment Based On The Coming Anarchy

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International Security Environment Based on the Coming Anarchy

International Security Environment Based on “The Coming Anarchy”


In 1994, the American journalist Robert D. Kaplan published a book, which was given a title of “The Coming Anarchy”. This book contains a thorough catalog of mismatches in the world after the implosion of the Soviet bloc. Kaplan is an international policy expert who has worked with leading U.S. periodicals. He is considered as a harsh pragmatist. The author has been gifted with the acute powers of observation in the field as he is also the author of two excellent books on the Balkans and Central Asia. He has good knowledge of history, economics and geography, deft handling of the demographic tables and few in the backpack ideological preconceptions. Kaplan was the anti-Fukuyama. This paper is based on the Coming Anarchy and has considered the international security environment.


Critique of the Author's Thesis

Robert D Kaplan is an author who does not talk about hearsay, not one of those that rely on simply reading books or reports. This American author follows a trail that zooms all the pundits and analysts of geopolitical invading traditional media. Kaplan follows the approach of old school reporters, ancient travelers that look, feel and live with a backpack. Reporter's street race living in disadvantaged societies; this is how the author has got to understand the reasons of many past events and forecasted many future events based on the present.

Critique of the Author's Main Arguments

This is a controversial book, which at times may seem politically incorrect. Questions in the book like; Is democracy the best system of government in the Third World? Is it beneficial in some ways the war? Has been handled with aggressive style, these are the questions that every one as an individual face in normal life and failed ...
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