International Marketing Research

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International Marketing Research

International Marketing Research

To: CEO Mayo Clinic

From: ABC

Date: 11th Feb 2012.

Subjects: Marketing Problems and Marketing Research Objectives

Dear CEO,

It is to bring it into your notice that Mayo Hospital is facing various marketing problems. Before discussing these problems faced by Mayo hospital, I would first like to discuss the background of the Mayo Hospital. The Mayo Clinic is a reputable and famous healthcare institution that works for providing healthcare services to domestic and international society. One of the best examples of Mayo Hospital checking the international clients is the treatment of President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. Mayo Clinic had started its operations in almost a century ago. The operations have been started by the Mayo family who has been renowned as the professional physicians all around the world. The Mayo family is very famous for its skills and the efficiency in surgical approaches which has helped the health institution in gaining success among the international patients. The hospital has won the international legacy as a result of its effective and skilled services (Berry 1991, p. 89).

The clinic has been renowned; therefore, it had not used any marketing tools for promoting its products. The main marketing tool for Mayo Hospital was its word of mouth that has helped the clinic in achieving the global standing. Thus, in the last 20 years, the hospital has worked for the development of marketing department. The clinic believes that marketing department is not an essential factor for meeting its customer's requirements. This is the reason why the hospital has not worked for the development of a professional and formal marketing department. The Mayo Clinic had been familiar for its highly accredited standards. The clinic had also been renowned due to the high reputation and successful treatments that has helped the clinic in proper treatment of undiagnosed and untreated diseases. The clinic was highly acknowledged among people due to the lowest prices for its treatment services (Butt 2006, p. 56).

Though, after some time the clinic officials have identified the great need of developing a formal marketing department. The officials of clinic have observed that it is very necessary that in order to attract the international clients, the clinic should have a marketing department. This is the reason why the marketing department has been established in Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic had observed that the marketing department can be very helpful for the clinic in developing a great image of the clinic in the eyes of international clients. This is the reason why the clinic has started paying focus on the marketing department.

With the development of marketing department, the clinic had started focusing on the needs of its international clients. For this purpose, the clinic had started doing research on the international patients. The clinic has adopted both the internal and external research methods in order to gain awareness of the global health care industry and the tools adopted by global healthcare providers. With the development of marketing department, the Mayo clinic ...
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