International Law

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International Law

International Law

International Law


Since the beginning of times, human beings have been making rules and regulations in order to carry out everyday matters peacefully and to avoid confusion. The initial laws were not refined and were also not strictly followed, but with the passage of time, humans started forming more sophisticated laws and also introduced methods to get them implemented. As the politics and state systems became strong, the need for having international laws was felt and such laws were thus formed, in order to assist nations in maintaining friendly relations amongst themselves and to avoid war situation, which might have resulted in destruction of world peace and harmony.


International Law

In order to get complete understanding of the issue at hand and to get an idea of the importance of international law for the United Kingdom, it is essential to understand and actual meaning and implications of the international law. It could be defined as a set of laws or rules, which are established to bind different states and national together, and are accepted by all the states and nations of the world unanimously. It also serves as the indispensible framework, which works to stabilize and organize the international relations. It is eminent to mention here that the international laws are distinct quiet different from the normal and usual national laws, mainly because of the fact that the national laws deal with the wellbeing of citizens while the international laws are about the nations and deal with their welfare, instead of private citizens. Certain national laws have also gained the status of international laws, after going through the proper procedure and getting passed by the supranational tribunals, like the European Court of Human Rights and the International Criminal Court.

It should be noted that as the international laws are meant for the safety and well being of the nations, they must be followed by all states and countries of the world. However, these laws are consent- based in nature, which implies that the member states of international community are not obliged to follow the international laws until they express consent over any particular course of conduct.

The Legal Character of International Law

A number of expert and law makers are of the opinion that international law should be treated as a set of ethics instead of being granted a legal status, but, on the contrary, a closer look at the clauses and implication ...
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