International labor law creates a balance between the concerns of workers and the changing economic markets of the world. There are some common social standards that must be met in order to satisfy the employment laws that exist around the world. Suppose someone moves to the United States from another country. He or she will have these international labor laws to cater to their needs. The International Labor Organization (ILO) is responsible for the creation and implementation of the international labor laws. During the Doha round table talks of the World Trade Organization, these international labor laws were an important topic for discussion. The few issues that exist in the compliance of international labor laws in the US and China can be simply overcome. The members mutually decided that there is a need for inclusion of standards that protect workers. They developed a minimum standard of worker protection.
International labor laws enable workers to receive fair wages, and create more opportunities for them. A number of corporations are seen to have shifted their supply chains from one country to another with relative ease. If companies do not do this, the foreign investment of the countries will begin to go down. It is necessary for all the countries to implement the international labor laws and practice the minimum standard of worker protection. In a way, countries are forced to comply with the laws and regulations that are imposed by the ILO. This is seen to increase the competition between countries, which in turn increases the dynamic efficiency of the global market place.
The surroundings, culture and society in the United States are quite different from the
China. The people are busy in their own lives and do not have time for their family. However, at times it is difficult to ...