International Business

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International Business

International Business


The launch of a new product or service requires planning and perseverance. Success means that the product can meet the needs of consumers must have a satisfactory performance, and produce profits. As much as developing a marketing strategy, if the product is good enough, chances of success are limited. The market is what determines whether a product is acceptable or not. The timing to launch a product depends on external and internal factors. Internal factors include having the company introduced an efficient logistics and distribution, have a trained group of sellers and a flexible marketing plan that includes all elements necessary for success. Properly selected market means to know people who may eventually purchase the product or service and when they will.

Superior Chocolate in Middle East

As an introduction, we would start talking about the area where our company is located, so you can see the situation and the environment in which it moves, so that we better understand marketing strategies and tactics that take place. We can say that, despite the recession and sluggish consumption, Superior Chocolate has succeeded in keeping, overall, the market value in UK, Australia and USA (Bridgewater and Egan 2002, 56). The commitment of the major operators in the sector for the diversification of the supply of incremental value to the product, accompanied by large investments in advertising and promotion, has prevented the decline of the domestic market and kept prices raising in most the product category. In this sense, chocolates and count-lines (chocolate pulse) remain the most interesting and dynamic categories, compared to the sluggishness of the most traditional.

According to the latest data from the Middle East Association of Manufacturers of chocolate, were sold during 2009 a total of 172,328 tons of these products, generating a turnover of 6,600,000 million dollars, which represents a decrease of 5.2% in volume and a rise of 5% in value recorded (Czinkota, Ronkainen and Moffett 2005, 156). The total volume accounted for by employers in the sector, 79% of the domestic market, where sales remained virtually unchanged over the past year.

Exports, meanwhile, follow the remarkable growth in 2009, again suffering a setback in 2010, 19.4%. Although there are many factors that influence the decline in exports are significant brake sales, a market representing nearly 45% of total exports in 2009. In terms of consumption per capita in 2009 has suffered a setback of 3-5 the preceding year, standing now at 3.4 kilos per inhabitant/year, a figure still well below the EU average, ranging between 6 and 7 kilos per capita (Czinkota, Ronkainen and Moffett 2005, 156). According to industry sources, given the importance of consumption impulse in the evolution of the market is becoming increasingly important factors such as presentation, branding and product innovation.

Market Positioning

Superior Chocolate must understand what customers need and want the product. Usually different customer groups have differing needs and expect different things from their products demand is heterogeneous. The aim is to understand what they need and expect customers of the ...
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