International Admission Process

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International Admission Process

Chapter Five


Employees are the backbone of any organization. Educational institutions are embedded in a highly competitive market, which is why they have realized the importance of attracting and recruiting the best employees. Educational institutes treat employees like the most important assets that provide them a great competitive advantage in the industry. Employees become the visible face of the SpanTran Educational Services, a mirror that reflects the values ??of customer-facing business, and largely end up being responsible for customer loyalty. Being aware of this situation, especially for those institutions who wish to remain a role model, recruitment of competitive employees is essential to manage the increasing demand of international admission processes. In order to remain competitive in the industry, SpanTran Educational Services must have the commitment of its employees (Fetter, 1997).

The best way to hire employees starts off from the phase of recruiting. Attracting new employees and then retaining them may not be two similar things, but each one reinforces the other in real sense. These functions require creating a repute of the organization internally as well as externally so that good employee generation is possible and once employees are hired, they may be so satisfied that they do not want to leave. If the organization represents itself more realistically, it will create an impression on the employees and will result in creating positivity all the way. However, employees too have to be honest while passing through the recruitment phase. They must be true in whatever they say about their expectations, culture, demands, and about the organization itself. This will enhance the capability of the organization to recruit the most competent employees who have command over multiple languages in order to effectively perform their duties in meeting the demand of international admission processes (Villa, 2009).

Research results show that communications comes hand in hand with providing a cultivating environment to employees. It is believed that communication between the employees and the employers goes a long way in establishing a trusting relationship between them. Once this trust develops, the parties can share their opinions and views most willingly without any hesitation. Once employees know they are being heard, they may not feel dissatisfied even if the organizational health is not ensuring extra ordinary benefits for them. A lack of communication within the organization results in a gap between upper and lower management. It deters to create a link between what the employers expect the employees to do and what the employees are actually achieving (Hammond, 2009).

Research highlighted that training is another fundamental approach to meet the demands of international admission processes in SpanTran Educational Services. It is imperative that employees feel like an asset to the organization and they should be treasured. Training employees is a practice that shows that the management is concerned towards the employees and wants to see them doing better and bigger. Good training programs not only polish the skills in the employees, but are also provide positive reinforcement of their constructive ...
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