Interaction With Colleagues

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Interaction with colleagues

Interaction is important part of a medical education


An exciting feeling with lots of expectations, thinking of a new college with new feelings, hopes and emotions, this creates a student little nervous and shy of his/her new colleagues and environment. But all we know that more we penetrate, more we make relations, and more will be chances of development and success. So, we are expecting a student who is just going to college.

The Capture

It is hardly necessary to convince anyone that a successful career depends heavily on the content and quality of our relations with other staff in the team. In this article we look at those interactions with colleagues, who, unlike the informal communication are determined by business interests of every participant in the process. Since in most companies, business relationships between employees are governed by various corporate documents - instructions and regulations, the activities of each employee is reduced to the execution of his duties. Due to the fact that in complex business in addition to the chief as a consumer of labor specialist subcontractors often act in the technological chain of production, then the obligations he has in front of them, too. This leads to the fact that employees own a significant portion of energy (mainly nervous) spend on managing the obligations to each other. In any team is quite willing to withdraw from the proper discharge of his official obligations to the subcontractors, the benefit of the salary directly not depending on them. Trying to one of the members of the technological chain to obtain untreated money poses its subcontractors task force careless employee to work, otherwise their professional performance because it will be at risk of decline.

Why do the students feel hesitation while going to a new school or college although they know the development and career will be boost and grow with relation of more colleagues and enhanced relationships?

The clarification

Coercion can be directed either up through official channels, either directly to the subcontractors. The first option is legal, but ineffective. The fact that formal commitments to employee subcontractors on the processing chain will still eventually close on his boss, but it happens indirectly. For failure to perform their professional functions in a horizontal business relationship the employee will be punished only if the disgruntled subcontractors will be informed about his head, and he in turn receives a scolding from ...
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