Interaction Report

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Interaction Report

Interaction Report

What is a team?

A team can be defined as a group of people interacting in order to gain or accomplish a common goal, which implies a distribution of tasks and convergence of efforts of team members. This definition highlights three key features that present a work team:

A common target: an ultimate goal, to achieve a final product;

An operation based on the means, tools and resources of each person and a procedure to be followed;

Convergence efforts of each member: collaboration, when performing tasks that takes place in a healthy work environment and solidarity.

The target and the common task

Achieving teamwork necessitates the identification of a target and a common task. The target is closer to the ultimate goal by team members or put in other words, to "the end" pursued by the group (Brown, 2004). To identify the common target of a team, just ask what should be the final product together to achieve. What the team members. The target may be, for example, a Research report on the satisfaction level of teachers in respect of a teaching tool, a critique of educational software, a lesson plan English as a term of two hours at the graduate school, an audiovisual document, the implementation of a service to a clientele, etc.

The task, in turn, refers instead to how we should go about achieving the common target. In some cases, more resources, instruments or tools available, and several procedures, methods, or techniques will prove effective; contexts appear more relevant. In other cases, several steps will be to cross, in what order are they performed? Who will do what?

Some time, of course, the achievement of a school team, or that the teacher in charge of the course requires certain items related to the target or to the common task of the team. A teacher or professor may, for example, impose a theme, a context or use of a technique or a special tool. Achieving a team still requires that members agree on target and task. In other words, there must be consensus within the team on what, specifically, the target and the common task.

The convergence of efforts of each member

The convergence of efforts of each member on the personal contribution that each provides to the team and the interactions between members. In this sense, the team is an extremely fragile system dependent on the individuals composing since its total energy depends on that of its individual members and the quality of interactions between them.

The convergence of efforts of team members are concerned, moreover, the interactions between members (Brett & Friedman, 2009). In fact, there will be more interaction between members of the team it will have more energy. In this sense, it is sure to object to a suggestion by one member, or simply to express reservations about a suggestion by a member, will not reduce the energy available to the prosecution team the common target.

In fact, the formula of teamwork differs from the work-sharing ...
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