Intellectual Diasbilities

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Intellectual Disabilities

Intellectual Disabilities


This paper is mainly suggesting and examining the condition of Isaac. He is suffering from some disabilities as Down's syndrome. He has to move from primary school to secondary. Instead of such issues he has been making good academic record, moving from primary to secondary school. We would be focusing on the need of Isaac, the way by which Isaac behave with changing education level, supportive steps for Isaac and most importantly the strategies which can be help full in his transitional phase of life. He has been facing some difficulties like pronunciation of certain words, concentration on reading, writing, numeracy, and sometime behavioural issues.


All children have different capacity for learning and developing. Some of them may learn the happening with rational basis, whereas, some of them may found in time taken. The delay in learning may be the reason of intellectual disabilities. We can link such disabilities with a number of inherited or genetic conditions likewise Fragile X syndrome and Down syndrome. As we can see the case study in which Isaac has been considered with Down syndrome. We can help such people who are at the stage of intellectual disabilities. There are couples of services and educational techniques available through which we can solve such issues and can give the best outcome (Macesic, Kovacevic, & Hasanbegovic, 2012, pp. 2563-2568).

Individual Needs

We can consider the Isaac need as an individual, such as he may expect support from his parents and teachers. We can see the intellectual disability and developmental delay as mentioning below. We have to identify the need which Isaac expected from his parents, teachers and society. The main issues he has been facing in the form of communication, understanding with in an appropriate timeframe and behavioural issues. There are some recommendations and suggestions by which we can support Isaac and help him to come out from such disabilities (Reilly & Holland, 2011, pp. 291-309).

Concentrate the language and promiscuous vocabulary so that he would be able to understand

For the teaching of new skills extra time must be given to him

Allowing him an appropriate time under which he can learn and practice new skills

Gradually increasing the tasks in a most efficient manner

Using predictable routines

Design the task in simplest way

Style of teaching should best fit in such manner which allow the Isaac for listening, touching and looking

Being consistent and clear with expectations

Recognition of structure that supports the Isaac's participation in community, home and his secondary school.

Isaac Reaction

As per the case study we can understand that he has been taking a part in learning and development and also have an interest in reading. This is trouble making for Isaac to concentrate on reading, writing and numeracy. There might be some challenges which parents and teachers have to meet. The gradually changes in academic standard may challenges his skills and disabilities. Changing places and people always have influenced not always positive, negatively as well for those people who need extra ...
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