Simulation is an exclusive discovering natural environment as it permits participants to know-how critical care interventions in a 'safe' environment. It is therefore important to have an understanding of a variety of educational theories and instructional design models. (Reigeluth et. al. 2009) As there are many theories and models suited to simulation it is imperative that the right theory or model be employed for the desired learning outcome. This paper will explore some of the relevant educational theories and instructional design models best suited to the simulation environment.
Behaviourism, constructivism and cognitivism are three of the commonly used educational theories today. Of these theories there are many exponents of each, all who have undertake extensive research and are viewed as experts in their respective field of research. Each theory has several components. Behaviourists viewed discovering as a sequence of incentive and response actions in the learner. They view the teachers or instructors role as one of modifying behaviour, by setting up situations whereby learning is reinforced by the desired responses being exhibited. (Reigeluth et. al. 2009)
The following are the instructional design models in the teaching/learning process
1.Direct approach to instruction
2.Discussion approach to instruction
3.Experiential approach to instruction
4.Problem-based approach to instruction
5.Simulation approach to instruction
A good comprehending of informative idea and instructional design is needed to ensure significant discovering is experienced. Simulation permits a kind of discovering ideas to be applied due to the broad kind and complexity of the clinical positions presented.
When comprehending how we learn permits us to tailor simulation to persons and groups. One time a idea or ideas have been chosen for the particular locality of aim inside the replication natural environment, a structured conceive for the learning basis must furthermore be taken. Utilising an instructional design form, designing, implementation, and evaluation of techniques and programs becomes more structured. Regardless of the informative theories sustained by each replication centre, instructional design models can be utilised. Behaviourists viewed discovering as a sequence of incentive and response actions in the learner.
They view the teachers or instructors role as one of modifying behaviour, by setting up situations whereby learning is reinforced by the desired responses being exhibited. While behaviourism was the predominant learning theory for the first half of the twentieth century, they were focused only studying observable behaviours. Thinking processes or other unobservable phenomena were not considered. While the learning cycle can begin at any point, the learning process often begins with a person carrying out a particular action and then seeing the effect of the action.
The second step is to understand the effects so that if presented with the same action the learner would be able to anticipate the action that would follow. Step three involves understanding the general principles that the action involved. The last step is involved with the implementation of the action. Development expands upon the analysis and design stages. It is during this phase that the lesson plans and lesson materials are generated. It is here that the methods of instruction including ...